TF2TV wants you!
Created 10th April 2011 @ 23:42
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TF2TV is officially on a recruiting drive looking for talented people with a range of different skills to help make our competitive coverage bigger and better!
We’re looking for website specialists, web designers, other graphic designers, streamers, video producers, writers, tournament organisers and generally anyone who is interested in volunteering some time to help us provide content.
If you’re interested and think you have something you could bring to the team please contact either Comedian or Krimson in our irc channel (#tf2tv on quakenet) or email us at [email protected] or [email protected].
I support this venture.
Let me cast please!
I sent an email to Comedian regarding match write-ups and helping out with tourney organisation.
Yeah we’ve got your email Smn, just to let everyone know we’re making a list of everyone who’s applied to different positions (already way more than we were expecting!) and we’ll be contacting you guys soon to find out your availability etc.
Keep the emails coming!
Just a small bump for my casting platform :) Just have a chat with either Comedian and Krimson and we’ll see what kind of position we have for you ! ^^
Incase you haven’t heard my computer caught fire on sunday and is royally fucked :D But yeah i’m still up for casting and i wouldn’t mind helping with tournament organsing or any writing. I’ll let you know when i’m back up and running with a PC, hopefully shouldn’t be more than a week or two
thanks CommanderX
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