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CommFT Top 10 - Relaunch

Created 17th March 2011 @ 22:18

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Alright guys.

It’s time for us to get this going again. We had a good streak going, which caught us back up, well, um almost. November’s Top10 however was hit with an epic plague of problems. We still have the December clips, all set aside, so December ’10’s Top 10 might still make an appearance.

However, it’s time to start fresh. The Nefarious Mongoose has offered to help us sort clips, and assisting our editing staff.

Submit your clips to eXtv.clips [at] gmail.com or use our nifty clip submission form at
our website.


For the Top10 plays of the month, League plays only, highlander or 6v6.

If you submit via e-mail, please include Top10 in the subject line.

We suggest uploading clips to TF2Demos.com or file sharing sites which do not delete your clips after a short period of time. Mediafire’s pretty cool.






This is for march btw. Dunno if we’ll be doing our January or February editions. December clips are set aside and could still be done, but November’s are probably lost to the void. A lot have eXpired, and Chris’s double hard drive failure was a pretty huge set back.

Please continue to submit top10 plays as they happen, I know we’ve been MIA on the series so its understandable that submissions have dropped off a bit.

I’m guessing that the clips sent for February/etc won’t be used at all if you don’t end up making those editions?

Last edited by FUN POLICE RUINS TF2,



Shit’s gonna be so cash


Yea hopefully we can find some use for them. We get plenty of submissions that are quality, just don’t get used for one reason or another :/

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