[March 10 Beta] Replay, Coaching and Voting systems
Created 10th March 2011 @ 11:50
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— March 09, 2011 —
An Important Note:
Generally the beta is the place where we do design testing, so the game itself is fairly stable. But today we’re releasing a large update specifically for the purpose of stability testing. In particular, we’re testing out our new Replay system, which has been in the works for over a year. As a result, a large amount of code has changed. We wanted to ship it to the beta first, where we can get the bugs ironed out, before we move it out to the main TF2 branch. So please jump in and take a look – we’d love to hear feedback on the UI as well as any bugs you run into.
Also, we’ll be wiping all items in the beta at some point in the near future. We will re-grant the achievement items, and any items we’re actively tuning afterward.
Added Replay system that allows you to edit and publish movies of your play experiences (full Mac support in the next few days)
Added in-game Coaching system
Added in-game Voting system
Added training for the Demoman, Spy and EngineerBots:
Bots now work on Payload maps
Added payload to Offline practice
Spy bots!
Video of the new replay-system:
Just quickly tried out the replay. Did one max settings on h264. Sound gets out of sync on this one for me, but the motion blur is great.
Raw option: this is probably what I want to use, but there is no motion blur in it. :(
Right now I’m recording the normal TF2 at 240 or more fps, and turn on frame blending in my editing program (to 30 fps usually, sometimes 60 for bigger movies). That makes it look smooth but it’s not really natural motion blur imo (and it’s just too much because of all the movement). So I’d love to see an option to turn on motion blur for raw export (like in the h264 setting).
Also: custom resolution option and more fps is a must.
And this seems like sourcetv demos? It’s nice, but STV demo’s have their downsides as well (or is this an updated STV?). PoV demos for smooths, less lag and deathnotices would be nice.
Coaching allows you to spec one player (they receive a green glow, like a payload cart). You can spec normally (i.e. first person, third person or free spec), but left clicking on something tells the trainee to attack it. Other commands were defend, look at and go to, but the buttons for them didn’t show up for me.
Quoted from Chaplain
Coaching allows you to spec one player (they receive a green glow, like a payload cart). You can spec normally (i.e. first person, third person or free spec), but left clicking on something tells the trainee to attack it. Other commands were defend, look at and go to, but the buttons for them didn’t show up for me.
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