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TFTrue - LogsTF / MedicStats / AccuracyStats / RestoreStats...

Created 6th March 2011 @ 18:03

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Dr. med.

Only setting tftrue_unlockable_weapons 1 makes it crash.


It’s now fixed, just restart your server to get the update.

And it wasn’t really related to the hooking.

Last edited by AnAkkk,


i hope it really does stop crashing, crashed again only with it on like 30min ago (prolly wasnt updated)



can some1 post a simple tut that teaches how to put this on a server?
(using ftp ofc)


Quoted from AnAkkk

Readme can be found here as well:


Dr. med.

Quoted from AnAkkk

It’s now fixed, just restart your server to get the update.
And it wasn’t really related to the hooking.

Thank you for the fix, everything works perfectly now. I thought it might’ve been because both plugins do similar things.


Is anyone experiencing crashes with TFTrue?



Server crashing with TFtrue after the last update!


Quoted from .muku

Server crashing with TFtrue after the last update!

Windows? Linux?

When does it crash?

Last edited by AnAkkk,


\V/ Gold

(I’m hosting his server)

Linux, no particular situation. I’ve added -debug to the gameserver now, I’ll get you a dump when it happens next time.

Last edited by nTraum,


Quoted from nTraum

(I’m hosting his server)

Linux, no particular situation. I’ve added -debug to the gameserver now, I’ll get you a dump when it happens next time.

Make sure you type “ulimit -c unlimited” before running srcds, otherwise the dump will be cut and most likely useless.
Could add -nobreakpad as well, I know if breakpad isn’t disabled it sometimes cause dumps generated by -debug to be useless.

Last edited by AnAkkk,



Quoted from AnAkkk


Windows? Linux?

When does it crash?

Linux! And i think when more the 4 people or something like that join it crashs!


AnimaL is getting a similar issue, I haven’t been able to find out what cause the crash.

I’ll need the backtrace from gdb, pm me on irc if you need help nTraum.



My server(linux) is also crashing…after a start its working for like 10-15 minutes and its crashing.


Quoted from LaMqTa

My server(linux) is also crashing…after a start its working for like 10-15 minutes and its crashing.

Are you sure it’s TFTrue related? There is an other server crash issue that Valve is working on, and it’s impacting a lot of servers.

Last edited by AnAkkk,

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