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TFTrue - LogsTF / MedicStats / AccuracyStats / RestoreStats...

Created 6th March 2011 @ 18:03

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Zeta Two


After the latest update (15 sep), my server crashes with TFTrue (3.2, latest download) activated as soon as someone joins the game. With it deactivated everything works. Can anyone else reproduce this?

Can/should I submit some kind of crash log to helt you find the cause of this?


Quoted from konr

[…]I wouldn’t know the details, it’s just what I experienced.

Bad server/bad connection.

Quoted from Datenshi


I think tftrue makes servers crash after the update. Mine crashed 5 times, removed tftrue and it worked.

Quoted from Zeta Two

After the latest update (15 sep), my server crashes with TFTrue (3.2, latest download) activated as soon as someone joins the game. With it deactivated everything works. Can anyone else reproduce this?

Can/should I submit some kind of crash log to helt you find the cause of this?

I’ll fix it later today.


– Fixed the crash from yesterday update


– Updated the linux binary as it was not updated correctly after the last update, causing tftrue_jumpducked to not work.



stv recording is not stopped when match is over or am i just stupid?



Quoted from Dr-GimpfeN

stv recording is not stopped when match is over or am i just stupid?

Are you sure that tv_autorecord = 0, otherwise I’ve found it sets in before the record function in tftrue.



tv_autorecord is 0


I can’t see a reason why it wouldn’t stop.

Which map? Can you reproduce it?

The next TF2 update has a lot of changes and is going to break a lot of things in TFTrue, such as tftrue_unlockable_weapons, tftrue_gamedesc, tftrue_bunnyhop, tftrue_jumpducked, and it might as well crash when anyone join a team. I already have an update ready with everything fixed, which should be published after that TF2 update come out.


Hey, is it possible to change the whitelist variables? I’m an Australian who helps admin a server that runs both highlander and 6v6 and for some reason they use different whitelists. Is it possible for me to modify TFTrue to make switching easier, or should I just use separate config files for both?


Quoted from priorax

Hey, is it possible to change the whitelist variables? I’m an Australian who helps admin a server that runs both highlander and 6v6 and for some reason they use different whitelists. Is it possible for me to modify TFTrue to make switching easier, or should I just use separate config files for both?

why cant you create 2 whitelist files and exec the one that you need?


(ETF2L Donator)

Assuming the whitelists are in the cfg folder.


mp_tournament_whitelist "cfg/highlander.txt"


mp_tournament_whitelist "cfg/6v6.txt"


I was interested in this for the fov modifications, just wanted to know if I could kill two birds with one stone.


There is a crash that can happen under Windows on some computers on the plugin load. This will be fixed in the next version (when Valve releases their update).


Would anyone be interested in an option to remove the 200ms sniper headshot delay after scoping?



from the youtube comments
“Anyway, they added this because people were using a script to zoom in and shoot without any delay, basically making it the same as a Counter-Strike rifle, and they mentioned that they wanted the Sniper to actually act like a sniper.”

Not even sure if it’s still possible to do that, but might need some looking into it.

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