Hosting Dedi Box - Requiring Other Half to contribute! :)
Created 2nd March 2011 @ 12:40
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Hi pplz
Am wanting to get a dedi box to run relays/servers/mumble server for the TF2 community and provide for ddos free matches. I spoke with Arie and he said he was happy to administrate the box like he does with his own Fakkelbrigade dedi box.
To do this, I need another person willing to contribute towards payment, as I can only realistically provide half the amount. If anyone is willing to do so, I can explain the why’s and when etc. Obviously whoever does will get all the resources of the dedi box available to them.
If anyone is interested can you please contact me as soon as possible.
Am looking for a decent spec for the dedi box, i.e. one that has at least 4 cores in it, and the hosting location is prime for most players in the community.
You can contact me on irc #etf2l @ quakenet or add me on steam friends –
I wish my other half paid for my dedi box :(
ETF2L pub servers, sponsered by TCM gaming? =D
Sounds like a plan, might be a good idea to put the cost up here Byte? :P
Would defo be great though, means the community could stop sponging off FB! :P
Quoted from Spike Himself
I wish my other half paid for my dedi box :(
I’ll pay you half in hugs
not really, for a quality servers they are, its an average price
i just posted that anyway, since ppl asked how much they cost
Last edited by AnimaL,
The prices will vary depending on whom the hosting is with, i3d are an expensive company and their services do not justify the hardware I know much better ones, however no need for me to mention on here the price, however the range share will be between £30 – £50 a month.
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