Notable low sens euro scouts?
Created 2nd March 2011 @ 05:07
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Can someone tell me who are some of the best euro scouts that use low sensitivities (40cm+ / 360), I want to see some of their demos but the only people I know of are AcidRenix and cookye, but then again I am an idiot.
quad uses 50cm/360 or something like that.
AcidRenix uses 90+cm I think.
shit you already knew about arx
Last edited by konr,
aimbottens compensate for rest
How does the sensitivity of the player you are watching matter? Apart from being less capable of looking around constantly.
Last edited by Rake,
Quoted from Rake
How does the sensitivity of the player you are watching matter? Apart from being less capable of looking around constantly.
Their movement is completely different
Quoted from hangingtree
Their movement is completely different
Yes, they don’t turn as much.
Glongas has like a 1m/360. Deux (if he still plays) uses a 60cm/360. Quad is at 40/360, not extremely low. Cookye also I guess.
Last edited by Koeitje,
Here is me playing with 60cm/360.
how can anyone play with 1m/360
Quoted from Rake
Yes, they don’t turn as much.
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