Cookye LAN videos
Created 2nd March 2011 @ 04:32
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I want to see more LAN videos of cookye, were there any taken from WASM 2011?
The only one i’ve seen is this and you can’t really see much at all due to the darkness.
It fascinates me how he can play so well at such a low sens and his movement/dodging isn’t hampered at all.
Also, how low is your sens now cookye?
From last I could tell you were at 765 DPI, 6/11 and 1 in-game so that should be 54.5cm/360? still DA + puretrak talent?
I don’t want to copy his settings, just got curious watching his demos
were there any taken from WASM 2011?
still DA + puretrak talent?
nope, got zowie ec2
Last edited by cookye,
Thanks for fast reply, any new demos since WASM?
Last edited by hangingtree,
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