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Mann-co bringing in the money

Created 1st March 2011 @ 10:52

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Making a map proves quite profitable. Note both manor and hoodoo were made by the writer (YM), and with around 20.000 map stamps (1 Euro/Dollar each) sold his profits should be quite good. Makes me wonder how much yukon and turbine got.

In other related news, within 2 or 3 days valve will likely reveal how profitable the mann-co store was at the Game Developers Conference. I can only imagine how insanely profitable it is, even though Im not a fan of micro-transactions as a customer.


Stamps are the only good thing in the map pool. I wonder, if they let us buy stamps for badlands etc would they stop charging 10£ for a set bonus hat?


good thing the tf2 intermediates have made near enough the same amount



I thought stamps were for postcards..? wot are stamps?



Just how succesful was the mannco update? Gabe Newell already gave a clue a while back in a steamcast interview. See the transcript (warning: long but informative):

There’s a good answer midway how Valve is using TF2 as a testing environment. The mann-co update was such an experiment:

Part of what we did with some of the pricing was to find out how people would react and would
people buy really expensive items and how would they react to it, how would they feel about it after a month later? How many people would actually be wearing those items who purchased them? The
interesting data we saw was that when we launched the Mann-Conomy that the highest selling item
on the store was the most expensive item, the second highest item – the second highest volume –
was the least expensive item. So you look at that and you say ‘Hmm, people are trying to tell us
something’, what is it that they‘re trying to tell us? So we’re very much at the beginning of
understanding what it is that we’re learning from this. We certainly can’t say that we have this clear
idea that what we’re doing is the right thing that’s optimal for all of our customers, we are looking
at this very closely all the time and trying to figure out ways to learn more about what it is that
people like the most and what it is that people don’t like, what are the things that we should avoid?
It will be interesting and entertaining to watch us fumble around trying to understand what the best
thing to do is, and hopefully people remember that our long-term goal is to create as much value
and as many happy customers as we possibly can.

For the record, the most expensive item was the complete polycount setpack (all the hats & weapons combined) and the cheapest the rocket or the sticky jumper (0,49€ for us Euros).


Last edited by CapTVK,



Yeah, Ive heard that interview. I thought keys would be the most sold item, but turns out it’s probably the Polycount pack and map stamps.



I have no doubt that the most sold item these days are keys (going by the massive number of unusuals these days). But the polycount pack was probably the most popular item in the first week or so. But i have my doubts if the massive succes of the polycount pack can be repeated again in the future. Future item/set makers might not be so lucky.

Still it’s nice if your stuff gets into the official TF2 and make a few bucks in the process.

Last edited by CapTVK,



they should make tf2 a free game and earn money from mann-co; hello player base



Quoted from Exfane

they should make tf2 a free game and earn money from mann-co; hello player base

Superb idea.

Spike Himself


They should make TF2 cost 50 euros and cut out the whole mann-co store and trading business :D



Quoted from Exfane

they should make tf2 a free game and earn money from mann-co; hello player base

That is actually… a fantastic idea :D



Quoted from Spike Himself

They should make TF2 cost 50 euros and cut out the whole mann-co store and trading business :D

or something in between


| insΛne

Quoted from Exfane

they should make tf2 a free game and earn money from mann-co; hello player base

hello cheater base and multi account :/



Quoted from Benedetto

[…] hello cheater base and multi account :/

its happenin right now



Quoted from Exfane

they should make tf2 a free game and earn money from mann-co; hello player base

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