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TF Hitboxes

Created 10th January 2009 @ 22:43

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Gear : The server has to decide if it thinks you hit the model on your side.
It can only do this by guessing and so it is sometimes wrong.



Thank you guys. I never bothered with my settings and when I checked just a minute ago, I saw, that I had cp_interp 0.1 (!). :)


cl_interp 0.1 is set default by game.

@Skinnie – yeah, im trying not think about that but sometimes i die this way and this is annoying :?



cl_updaterate 66
cl_cmdrate 66
rate 30000
cl_interp_ratio 1
cl_interp 0.0152


“And there is always one or two lost packets when u use 66 updaterate.”

=> That won’t affect you much. I don’t have all the time a constant 66/s, but I still keep this interp, except if it really drops too low, like 30/s, and the models become lagguy.

A server command people should have in mind is “sv_maxunlag 0.5″ this is deafult meaning it compensates for packets up to 500ms. Higher and ur packet will be ignored and wont reg. Lowering it to 0.3, “will make the game feel more instant” imo.
=> This command was removed a long long time ago on TF2, probably for people to not mess up with it. I think it was removed during TF2 Beta. It does still exist, but you can’t access it from the console, and the default is 1.0. Anyway you shouldn’t be allowed to mess up with this on matches servers.

Assault Marine Sigh

guys currently I have 0.01 as my interp for all classes except scout and sniper.
The 0.01 obv wont go below 0.015 but I cba to change it in all configs.

Currently my scout is on 0.03 and my sniper is on defaults (0.1). Sometimes I seem to find it hard to hit people in a match as a sniper because the shot just doesnt reg like it does on pub. Could this be because everyone in a match is likely using a lerp of 0.015. If I changed my sniper lerp to 0.015 would this make it more accurate.
I have been told it does, but in the past it seems not so … or is this only the case because on pubs.

Also (mainly on pubs) I always get shot “through walls” as it were. My ping is usually never above 30-50 on most servers (ignoring the scoreboard ping) could this be due my lerp being lower than public players ?

I dont understand this much so any help would be appreciated. I mean if I increased my lerp to 100ms (0.1 interp) would this happen to me less on public ? (not that i play it much anymore ….). Thanks Sorry for the large amount of text …



Sigh, you get compensated for your lag.

Suppose you have 0ms lag, and another player has 1000ms.

When you move behind a wall, the other player can still see you for 1000ms. So even though you’re behind a wall on your screen, and even though the server knows this, it also takes in account the 1000ms delay of your opponent.
On his screen you’re not yet behind the wall and he can still hit you, the server will receive what the other player was shooting at and compensate for his 1000ms ping, causing you to be ‘hit behind the wall’.


“Could this be because everyone in a match is likely using a lerp of 0.015”
=>your interp only affects you, other people values don’t affect you.

Also (mainly on pubs) I always get shot “through walls” as it were. My ping is usually never above 30-50 on most servers (ignoring the scoreboard ping) could this be due my lerp being lower than public players ?
=> Nothing to do with interp, it has all to do with ping. Nothing you can really do. It’s internet.



Anakin, CAL uses sv_maxunlag 0.5 in their tf2 serverconfig. But pherhaps they copypasted from a css config. I dont change the server setting I use etf2l config on all our server. Folowing the rules : D And yes its removed. Not changable :>


A lot of leagues have cvars which don’t exist in their configs.



Just ask a friend, to run as scout infront of u. Then bind “o cl_interp 0.0” and “bind p cl_interp 0.1”. Best way to understand lerpsetting. Cheers!




How is scoreboard ping different? Its not accurate?


The scoreboard displays the Latency, not the ping. It’s not the same thing like a lot of people think.

This was written by a VALVe developer in 1999 (yes sometime ago :p):


I know, the scoreboard in TF2 says “Ping” instead of “Latency”, but it’s just wrong.




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