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TF Hitboxes

Created 10th January 2009 @ 22:43

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So, the other day i was watching some fm on wegame and i saw in related ‘tf2 hitboxes’ http://www.wegame.com/watch/TF2_Hitboxes/

Probably all scouts(because i think they’re most affected by this shit) here get killed when they thought theyre safe round the corner and then bah, your dead.

And as u can see on this vid there is a cv which disables separating hitbox from ‘body’.
EDIT NOTE: it still separates but u must hit body not hitbox around it.

My question is – is that possible to turn it on on normal server (w/o sv_cheats 1) and play with this ?



wow i had no idea the hitboxes in tf2 were that bad… :O…

i knew they were bad… but jesus!!


source netcode… didnt we all love the discussions when they introduced it in css…
you hit it on your screen, you hit it even though it might be somewhere else already on their screen.
how bad the effect is, is caused mainly by ping differences and can be influenced by netsettings.


Concerning ops question: No you cant use that without enabling cheats.
Dont mess up the netsettings and you just have to hit whats on your screen.



better not to think about it and just play !



yeye it’s bad, blame valve and highpingers/rate modifiers.

and now move, as a gaming culture, please on.




it’s the best way to fix the problem of having a ping.



I’ve seen this vid, and the accompanied discussion too much times by now… It’s the source lag compensation, and it’s pretty normal. It interpolates between where you are on your screen and where the enemy sees you. Because of the time to send the data over the internet, you might be around the corner on your screen, but are not on the screen of the enemy. In order to make people hit what they shoot at, they implemented this.

The only reason you see these hitboxes way off, is because he’s on a local server with bots who have 0 latency. On a internet server it evens out, so everyone gets to hit what he shoots at (more or less). Without this compensation, it should be a lot worse. (probably that what you are seeing in the video would happen).

Ofcourse it isn’t perfect, as it can’t be, but that’s what you get to tweak your netsettings for :) . Anyway, just read the link Uvio gave, they can explain everything properly.


1) yes and ive seen few scouts who actualy play with this :D looks funny since they shoot air and blood starts to fall from enemy…


+1 DeNeusbeer.

Some people seem to not understand the video, or maybe the guy who made it didn’t explain correctly. It shows you that everything is FINE with LAG COMPENSATION turned ON, and this is already ON by default. So when you shoot the model, it’ll hit.



I’ve read many different things on ‘rates’. I can honestly say I really don’t understand most of them.

Is there an ‘idiots guide to rates’ or some thing I can read.

If I just leave the settings on default am I putting myself at a disadvantage?

I have a decent rig and play on dx level 81 so I virtually always get 100 + fps. Our server usually pings at around 15-50 for me. Do I change the rates to fit this or am I getting it wrong?


That question is a bit offtopic, but whatever:

From the etf2l server cfg:
sv_client_max_interp_ratio 1.5
sv_client_min_interp_ratio 1
sv_client_predict 1
sv_minrate 20000
sv_maxrate 30000
sv_maxupdaterate 66
sv_minupdaterate 50
sv_maxcmdrate 66
sv_mincmdrate 50

Lets say your comp can sustain 66FPS and your connection is fast enough, so you should try:

rate “30000”
cl_cmdrate “66”
cl_updaterate “66”
cl_interp_ratio “1”
cl_interp “0.015” // interp_ratio/cl_updaterate=interp

Thats as good as it gets with the limits set by the server cfg.
Everything of that is explained in the link i posted.

(I use a 60Hz TFT with vsync, so i cap at fps_max “60” and also {cmd,update}rate “60”.)


Try the maximum:

cl_updaterate 66
cl_cmdrate 66
rate 30000
cl_interp_ratio 1
cl_interp 0.0152

Put net_graph on 1 and look on the right for the 2nd and 3rd line.
2nd is your current update rate, on a good match server it should always be 66 or around.
3rd is your current cmd rate, should always be 66.

EDIT: lol uvio.

BTW only cl_cmdrate is affected by your FPS. You can receive (cl_updaterate) more updates/s that you have FPS. But you can’t send (cl_cmdrate) more than you have FPS.



Thank you both.



I experienced this many times… If you play with low rates hitboxes will always be moved.
Normally the hitboxes are behind the model and not in front of it like the video shows? Even with normal rates I shoot sometimes as a Sniper in the head of a heavy, blood appears on his head but no headshot, WTF?


GeaR, you should probably lower your interp, so the model position is more accurate.

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