TF2 Demos crash after first death...
Created 13th February 2011 @ 20:07
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Hi, for some reason my demo’s crash after the first death when I play them back.
Link to one of the effected demos:
Not sure if it’s my PC or what, the demo is a short one and it happens at around 5000 ticks in, first death.
On another demo it does the same, first death it crashes.
If someone could play the demo back and see if it happens to them I’d greatly appreciate it.
War if you ever use ellipsis in the topic of an etf2l thread again I am going to slit your throat at LAN.
edit: Its fine for me too, try verifying your game files.
Last edited by Skyride,
Quoted from Skyride
War if you ever use ellipsis in the topic of an etf2l thread again I am going to slit your throat at LAN.
Quoted from Skyride
War if you ever use ellipsis in the topic of an etf2l thread again I am going to slit your throat at LAN.
Reported to the Cyber Police…
works for me aswell
but your error was appearing some months ago, you should try to reload the hud before the death
Could always go with a clean, nonsteam tf2 installation :)
Quoted from tesco
works for me aswell
but your error was appearing some months ago, you should try to reload the hud before the death
tried it still crashed.
it did it to me a few days ago, with another demo.
but do u mean an error with the deathcam message? reloading hud before the death doesnt work unless u mean in game before recording the thing.
found the problem, ur right, i have to hud_reloadscheme before the death to get it to work, doesnt do it with pldx but playing it back in general with my normal hud does, gotta remember to hud_reloadscheme before each game then :/
Last edited by WARHURYEAH,
the problem is, well every custom hud have this (but randomly appears), sometimes the game would show the enemy’s name as %killername% or something like that, and this causes the crash in the demo
btw it would be fine to reload the hud when you watch the demo, no need to reload it every time when you start to record it – maybe just the pldx tool messes up
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