Need help with my HUD
Created 28th January 2011 @ 17:27
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I’m working on a hud and now i need help.
As you can see on this picture the targtIDs are not centralized, they are a bit to the right. They are centralized to eachother though. I have tried moving the healthvalues a bit to the left, but then they go outside of the thin red line and disappears. I have tried to widen them in “scripts” but nothing happens.
How do i centralize them?
Did you try moving the CMainTargetID element in /tf/scripts/hudlayout.res to the left?
Yes i have, but nothing happens. I can change the xpos to whatever number but it’s still the same.
Then there’s probably another layer big enough to overlap and hide the layer you want to move (with a different z-pos).
Last edited by revanxp,
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