Soldier's Sensitivity
Created 11th January 2011 @ 07:38
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16.6 cm/360
i dont really move my arm so anything lower and it gets a bit cbaaaaaaaa
Last edited by flisko,
Quoted from Linus
i think you should go 0.57, its the best
rofl, it was previously 0.3cm/360. then I started increasing it a biiiiiiiiiiiiiit and now, 0.6cm/360 is comfortable for me. I’m experimenting with 1250dpi+ingame sens of 6, and I find that with that level of sensitivity, I land more hits generally, but my rocketjumps need a shitload of work.
@j210790, you got a problem with my sensitivity? Just because it’s damn high doesn’t give you the right to criticize it. It’s MY comfort zone, if you don’t like it, bugger off, and save the crap to yourself.
it limits certain things. lol maybe you realise it one day.
Last edited by j210790_,
I did realise it :/ hence, original post.
But I don’t main soldier much, most of the time I use the sensitivity as medic. Makes flash healing way easier to me. I only made this thread so I can find out how to improve my game as soldier, and find people’s opinion on it, not get trolled.
Maybe you can play medic with that setup. But you’ll never have a consistent rocket aim with that sensitivity. Unless you’re a monk. Not to mention hitscan weapons…
I play soldier fine with that setup. Scout too.
You’re not getting the point. I want to IMPROVE my game, NOT learn how to play it. This was meant to see what the people had to say about improving. I appreciate their feedback. But you’re treating me as if I’m new to it, which I’m not.
So stop saying “bla bla bla with this sensitivity you can’t aim shit” because I CAN aim shit with it, I’m just looking at people’s opinion on the perfect balance between reflex and precision, and perhaps incorporate it into my playstyle, and maybe make me a better player.
Fine, you’re a monk.
Quoted from FIR
I play soldier fine with that setup. Scout too.
You’re not getting the point. I want to IMPROVE my game, NOT learn how to play it. This was meant to see what the people had to say about improving. I appreciate their feedback. But you’re treating me as if I’m new to it, which I’m not.
So stop saying “bla bla bla with this sensitivity you can’t aim shit” because I CAN aim shit with it, I’m just looking at people’s opinion on the perfect balance between reflex and precision, and perhaps incorporate it into my playstyle, and maybe make me a better player.
Sure you can aim with it and you’re probably used to it, simple fact is that soldier doing a 0.6cm for a 360 is far too sensitive to be in the sweet spot of reflex and accuracy. You’re used to that and play at your current level with it but i’d say to improve more you need to lower it further another cm or so.
It’ll feel like starting again and you won’t like it but its better to be at the bottom of a high skill ladder than at the top of a limited one, which is i assume what you want from this topic?
Again people can be pro with retarded mouse settings and keyboard settings (see Shintaz) but you’ve asked for opinions and there you go.
Last edited by Tapley ❤,
Quoted from Tapley ❤
Sure you can aim with it and you’re probably used to it, simple fact is that soldier doing a 0.6cm for a 360 is far too sensitive to be in the sweet spot of reflex and accuracy. You’re used to that and play at your current level with it but i’d say to improve more you need to lower it further another cm or so.
It’ll feel like starting again and you won’t like it but its better to be at the bottom of a high skill ladder than at the top of a limited one, which is i assume what you want from this topic?
Again people can be pro with retarded mouse settings and keyboard settings (see Shintaz) but you’ve asked for opinions and there you go.
I’ve started trying to lower the sensitivity bit by bit so I don’t ruin my aim instantly. I’m trying to increase at about 0.2cm/360 at a time, so I can get used to the sens. I guess it’s going to take a while to get used to lower sensitivities. But I did notice an improvement in my overall precision (ie more hits, more damage, a few more aerials), and I actually am a little optimistic about starting to lower my sensitivity :D
The only problem that remains is rocketjumping :S
@j210790, I’m done arguing with a troll who obviously doesn’t understand shit.
Last edited by FIR,
Just one more thing: it’s not how high or how low your sens is, it’s about how consistent your aim is.
I used to change my sens frequently from very high (2cm) to very low (40cm) till I found one fit to my hardware/mouse/pad and hand/genetics/reflexes/whateva. next step was to forget about sens and sensitivity in cfg and stick to my sens and just practice. I now have more consistent aim than I ever had.
Quoted from Daggial
can’t believe that :O
Oh yes. Back in the Modern Warfare and before days, that was my sensitivity. I brought it over to TF2, and hiked it up ever so slightly to suit the less sensitive playstyle. I never could rid myself of the habit.
Guess it’s back to the practice ground for me :D
Quoted from FIR
@j210790, I’m done arguing with a troll who obviously doesn’t understand shit.
That was my line.
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