Adding team mates HP etc. to default HUD.
Created 10th January 2011 @ 16:21
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Hi, I’d like to have my teammates HP and deathcam HP on my HUD, how do I do that?
I want a minimap that tells me where the enemy is like in cod.
I’m no specialist, but in spectatorguihealth.res there should be an enabled “PlayerStatusHealthValue” paragraph with “labelText” “%Health%”, I think that’s what you are looking for.
Last edited by freshmeatt,
Quoted from octochris
Hey guys, how do I make it so you can see cloaked spies? in my HUD!!
I think this guy might be able to help you with that:
I assume you’re talking about having numerical heath values displayed for the teammates you hover over/heal & see in death cam. If so, listen to freshmeatt. (Just ignore all the other idiots) Most popular custom huds implement this anyway, so you could always steal the idea from them.
Quoted from Freeflow
I want care packages to drop on spire
Anyways, I’m not sure how to do that as well. Since most people use a variety of custom HUD’s that do the same purpose (I use broesel’s HUD) most of them really don’t even bother :P
Quoted from DeNeusbeer
I assume you’re talking about having numerical heath values displayed for the teammates you hover over/heal & see in death cam. If so, listen to freshmeatt. (Just ignore all the other idiots) Most popular custom huds implement this anyway, so you could always steal the idea from them.
The reason we’re acting like idiots is because it sounds like he’s asking how he can get the advanced spec HUD whilst alive.
still, no need to act like cocks :D
and what deneus said is what i meant, i thought it would be easy to grasp as people had told me what to do over steam.
but nvm, topic can be locked, sorted it out.
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