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[January 13 Beta] +25% Health

Created 7th January 2011 @ 02:11

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An Important Note:

With this update we’ll be trying our first big gameplay experiment.

As we mentioned at the beta’s launch, one of our goals for it is to try some gameplay experiments, and gather real-world data. We’d like to do this because we want learn more about our current design, and challenge some of the assumptions we’ve made over the years about what makes combat in TF2 fun. In this update we’re going to double player health. In particular, we hope this will teach us a bit about our weapon balancing, and the way it changes as combat takes longer to resolve.

It’s important to stress that this is an experiment, and as such, there’s a good chance that these changes may not make it to live.


* Player health increased 100%
* Damage against buildings (sentries, etc) reduced 50%

Don’t forget the guidelines:

– keep your feedback constructive
– only comment if you have properly tested the changes
– don’t get stuck in the thought that your way of fixing gameplay is so much better, focus on the adjustments in the beta
– spam and off-topic posts will removed


I would lol if this update and wrangler were in normal tf2



And you thought heavy was bad before!





source: http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1704607



Massive spy buff.


After playing last night

Health packs restore too much health but Heal rate is unaffected so it takes a long time to heal/over heal anyone.
Spys have become the most OP class in the game
Demo men are a lot less powerful
Kritz > uber
Heavys are a lot more useful (only class that can easily take down a scout apart from another scout)
Hit and Run as a scout seemed much easier (granted was playing against low skill players), by the time anyone did 150 HP damage (leaving me on 100 HP) i’d found a health pack or 3
Engineers could be more useful after changes (damage against buildings reduced 50%) will test in a bit


valve is testing things they can implement in the new game mode


SG’s are very hard to take down if an engy is fixing them, without an engy not much has changed they just hang around in the fight a little longer.

tanking twice the damage than before it makes taking the engy down first vital to removing an ‘SG base’



Only real problem with sentries is that because they chose to add a 50% damage resistance instead of double health, they essentially take twice as much to kill which is fine but the engineer repairs for double the normal amount as well.



— January 13, 2011 —

Player health increased 25% (over normal – not the previous 100% increase)
Damage against buildings no longer reduced

Synced with changes from the official releases


inb4 contracts awarding hats and hardcore mode with 25% hp

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