big problem
Created 18th December 2010 @ 22:57
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i got a pretty big problem regarding tf2^
i reinstalled my hud this morning before playing tf2, and it worked fine,i played quite a bit this morning and went out this afternoon, got back and played a bit in the evening
then all of a sudden tf2 stopped loading, it would load, the screen behind would go black, then stop
i verified game cache, restarted steam then pc
after thje pc restart it would load but would say “Steam Beta must be running to make use of find servers”
i reinstalled the game to no avail
i use community hud btw, also before i had this strange problem where if i was onlnie while playing was online alll of a sudden my steam would crash WHILE i was in game
the friends would disappear and so would my avatar in the main menu and it became very glitchy, then as soon as i exited tf2 my steam would not be running, i remedied this by playing in offline mode.
also if i loaded a server on my own (offline) it would say “CD authentification key is not valid” or something along these lines
nice antivirus/firewall software
log in lol
Last edited by alfa,
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