Help with sensitivity
Created 12th December 2010 @ 11:39
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Hey guys. I was wondering if its possible to make my sensitivity different on secondary gun and primary? If its possible, then how? It gets really annoyng when scout jumps one me while im sniping. I take out my smg and swing my mouse all over the table as i use 1.7 sens. Nevertheless, Id be very greatful if someone found a solution.
Quoted from dvb
I sometimes like to give scouts a chance to kill me. doing a headshot isnt pleasant anymore
bind “1” “slot1; sensitivity 1.7”
bind “2” “slot2; sensitivity 3”
bind “3” “slot3; sensitivity 3”
On a related note, can anyone link me a sensitivity calculator? I don’t think the is updated. In TF2 my sensitvity bar in options>mouse used to be from 0 to 10 and now it’s 0 to 6 so I don’t know what my sens is anymore resulting in my mouse flailing around aimlessly and missing every shot.
Quoted from JackieBoy
bind “1” “slot1; sensitivity 1.7”
bind “2” “slot2; sensitivity 3”
bind “3” “slot3; sensitivity 3”
and if a change my gun with Q or my mousewheel will sensitivity change too?
Yes, this is possible. You can, in your class configs, create an alias for each weapon which you would bind to the key you switch weapons with, and in those aliases you set a different sens.
For example;
alias “primary” “slot1; sensitivity 2.0”
alias “secondary” “slot2; sensitivity 1.5”
bind “q” “primary”
bind “e” “secondary”
Quoted from Z0R0
and if a change my gun with Q or my mousewheel will sensitivity change too?
Look out for Aron’s Crosshair switcher. It sets up your class configs to use different viewmodels/crosshairs, but it also generates script for mousewheel weapon changing etc. You can just add sens per weapon to it manually.
Last edited by Spike Himself,
Quoted from Phrozen
On a related note, can anyone link me a sensitivity calculator? I don’t think the is updated. In TF2 my sensitvity bar in options>mouse used to be from 0 to 10 and now it’s 0 to 6 so I don’t know what my sens is anymore resulting in my mouse flailing around aimlessly and missing every shot. i believe it still works isnt it?
gracias amigos
Quoted from Z0R0
[…] i believe it still works isnt it?
Yes it works but I’m not sure if it calculates correctly because I don’t know if it has been updated to the new 0 to 6 instead of 0 to 10
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