i bet i get into tf2.europe for half a day until dunc gets online again (c) nvc
Created 10th December 2010 @ 13:20
Locked Pages: 1
i’m a fucking genius
i guess since you’re still a massive twat, i can with less regret state here on etf2l that letting you, push for dreamhack winter 2010, is no doubt the most stupid decision any authentic member of our community can sit back and allow to happen.
cheers, nvc
Quoted from octochris
Quoted from dunc
nvc is upset because I banned him from #tf2.europe :D
In a recent interview you actually said that you coudln’t remember what tournaments you ran at you’re own event, before then asking the interviewer for confirmation on what it was you did.
Confirm or deny trolling?
Quoted from nvc
In a recent interview you actually said that you coudln’t remember what tournaments you ran at you’re own event, before then asking the interviewer for confirmation on what it was you did.
Confirm or deny trolling?
your point? :D
Quoted from dunc
OMG TRUE!your point? :D
13:27 lvl^nVc • could you include in a response whether or not you met the promised prize funds too
13:27 lvl^nVc • !
13:27 lvl^nVc • that would really make my day
13:27 lvl^nVc • since we’re still holding grudges from 18 months ago
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