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Open Letter to Dreamhack Management

Created 1st December 2010 @ 01:39

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Hey guys, I’m not personally going to be pursuing this but I thought I might as well throw it out there for anyone who reckons its worthwhile.

A few people have suggested recently that the only way to really get TF2 beyond its current base would be to get it picked up by a bigger LAN. i-series is great, but it doesn’t really give a great deal of coverage outside of the UK or progress the game in any way. Dreamhack seems like a good plan.

Seems like it might be a good idea to send an open letter to the dreamhack organisers, sort of seeing if it’d be possible to get it picked up there, signed by some of the higher (prem/div1) teams saying essentially “run it and we’ll be there”.

Anyway, just a thought.


Sounds good.


RaWr ::

Good idea!


Quoted from Skyride

higher (prem/div1) teams saying essentially “run it and we’ll be there”.

Anyway, just a thought.

but will they?


Quoted from LikeThis


but will they?



Quoted from Wiiking



ok then, do it.



Quoted from Wiiking



Assembly was run close to perfection last summer with 4000e for the winner.
Not every top team participated. (I know you were there sneis) :P

a DH tourney wont be run better, or have a bigger prize. Still gonna be there?

edit: DHwinter 09 had a tf2 tournament with 3 teams participating. Lost all hope for a DH tf2 compo after that :(

Last edited by agron,



Wth? where did you get this idea from skyride? we have discussed this the last days in the scandinavian forums, and yes, we are gonna pursue this, a letter to DH crew is gonna be made about the fail at DHW 09 and if we can get better support this time.
For now we are aiming at DHS 11, one little problem is that it is only like 2 months after I42, is this to close?
How big must the prizes be to get the top teams there?

Tapley ❤


Dreamhack looks epic but i fear that once again any progression on the lan front will be halted due to the mix of nationalitys in teams causing travel problems.
Would teams aim to attend en masse one dreamhack event a year, or try to attend all? As you’d need some good admins to drum up support each time with plenty of notice for travel etc.


rockit like

Its been in works for a while now.



Quoted from Darn

Its been in works for a while now.

dunc is on it. he likes speaking in third person.

he’ll also be posting a URL to a petition thing so everyone can register their tf2@dh interest



Here we go.. sign your lives away:


This will be accompanied by a letter that I’m working on today. After I’ve done some of the work that I’m getting paid to do…



Best of luck. The last time TF2 got some room at DH we were pretty much treated like crap by the management, hope it gets better this time.



dunc shamelessly hijacked adam’s thread ;-)



A petition will only do so much, I think we have to get involved ourselves, help them out with sponsors and so on, Valve isnt impossible to talk with either and can provide some prices.

If we only relies on DH crew this is gonna fail(again).

I think we need a group that keeps the interest up and can communicate with Dreamhacks esport crew.

Any volunteers? ;)

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