Dem Bubbles!
Created 30th November 2010 @ 12:37
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You know when you jump in some water and you get those damn bubbles obscuring your view? Is there any way of turning them off without making the game look like shit?
just hold “w” and you will swim in front of the majority of the bubbles. if you go backwards you cant see fuck all, this must be what you are doing :P
As far as I know this is the only way to be able to see through them
Not as annoying as when you’re swimming into a ledge, doing little hops in the water wondering when you can climb out.
Quoted from Starkie
Not as annoying as when you’re swimming into a ledge, doing little hops in the water wondering when you can climb out.
freight mid water is the worst for this. Try doing a quick attack from your own water and it almost always ends in someone spotting your bobbing head through the steel bars as you struggle to get out of water. and you all know how that scenario concludes.
Last edited by Sketch,
once again, valve should learn from quake 3, where all these things can be removed. But yea, just swim thru it.
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