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New guns

Created 23rd April 2008 @ 10:32

Locked Pages: 1


I like to see them even with crits in the new game in clan wars…. Not the random crits but the gun spitting out the crits could variate the game totally and should not be banned at all.

If some people think the normal uber is better they use it but the critscrieg or whatever its called to make your guys spit out crits should def be able to be used as it’s not random at all.

So it’s not luck that makes you spit out them crits like nub public games but consideration of is my team agressive or good nough to kill them before they can hit normal uber for example… cause if you dont you’ll be fucked with that crit shit. also your medic is alot more vounerable with it during uber he can actually be killed etc etc…. your thoughts on this?

cosmic cowboys

hsd the update acutally came out yet?



Everything will be fubar if leagues start allowing the unlockables in league games when only certain classes have them available! :)

Once they’ve been released for every classes and playtested a bit in the no crit format, it can be decided.



I’m all for keeping No Crits… But this Critzkrieg weapon sounds awesome… Think about it, the oldschool übercharge made you invulnerable… A skilled Soldier getting the Critzkrieg charge will accomplish the exact same thing… BUT! This will require more skill in Soldier + Medic show downs… Think about it, the Medic isn’t invulnerable when charging his target with 100% Crits… So it’ll be kill or be killed, no excuse… Whoever has the weakest Soldier will be killed, along with the Medic… On a certain level it will create more depth ingame and will require a lot more skill than say now, when the Medic can’t be killed when übered… I say give it a go in leagues, play test it if you want, but IMO it will only raise the bar if it was allowed… Besides, it’s going to be added with a Load Out menu, so the Medic will only have 3 guns, but will have to determine wich weapon to use on different maps/stages/… Adding more leverage over the Medic, making him even more important…

My 0.02! ;]

I couldn’t believe my ears when I heard them say the updates for other classes are coming soon! I thought Medic would be the only one, and not by far thought these other updates would come any time soon, if they did want to implement them…

And TBH if these weapons were to be allowed, they should be made available to all the Medic in the league, not just the players that went through the time to unlock them themselves…!


How about we first see if tournament mode allows use of the weapons..

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