Need a HUD fixer
Created 27th November 2010 @ 15:19
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Hi, I’ve been using Flames Hud V for a long time so as some of you noticed the scoreboard broke after the halloween update (got bored of shift tabing so I can see my frags). Pretty much (if it’s possible), I would like to ask if someone would have some spare time to fix it (update it).
Screenshot of the scoreboard -> (check frags, assists, deaths, etc)
Asked flame already but he wouldn’t update it so, just if someone can modify it, so I can see the kills, deaths, assists, etc.
Thanks in advance :)
Last edited by alfa,
Quoted from Orchid
Just use the scoreboard.res file from a different hud, or use the stock one!
I tried from multiple huds but it just screws the game (green scoreboard, weird lag, etc), and I don’t want to give up the whole hud for it.
Last edited by alfa,
Quoted from alfa
I tried from multiple huds but it just screws the game (green scoreboard, weird lag, etc), and I don’t want to give up the whole hud for it.
default hud?
Quoted from atrox_
default hud?
aye! Just delete the scoreboard.res file and use valves hud, its still better then alt-tabbing out!
community hud has the same scoreboard updated i think
Quoted from atrox_
default hud?
I still want to see whatever is shooting me :S
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