Pocket Soldier Tips? :O
Created 26th November 2010 @ 08:00
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Hey, I’m playing pocket soldier, and I’m just wondering if theres sine usefull things pocket soldiers or medics think that I should know :)
Quoted from Ghostface
Keep the medic alive.
I wanted to say that! But yeah^
Be aware of what uber percentage your medic has, don’t jump on 99%.
Quoted from ilike2spin
Be aware of what uber percentage your medic has, don’t jump on 99%.
Be the player keeping a consistent eye on if a scout could come from behind, or if a soldier was to launch your medic as both of these situations are quite typical, this generally happens on pushes where your most likely to not expect something come from behind.
Always keep good positions and only EVER jump if its required.
Keep the uber on a constant charge, don’t run around on 300hp because it doesn’t benefit anyone, of course there are some situations where being buffed to the maximum is good; but at that point you probably aren’t playing to an uber advantage!
at lower levels: stay with your medic.
at higher levels: be aggressive, but always keep an eye on your medic and be particularly protective of him. keep an eye on the enemy’s ability to attack him at close range when you are away.
Quoted from Ghostface
^by this, Racio means have matching hats.
Correct, I leave my chieftains off just so we can synergize hats
Colour is also important.
we need more wells
Listen to all calls and be very aware of where you are and where your medic is – try to stay behind him if the roaming soldier is with you infront of the medic so you can create a sort of protection area.
Listen to all calls and act accordingly even if only to cover your medic – If you push spire on blands and you hear (scout in house) – that scout is most likely going to come from choke or house door and try to gank the medic from behind , so position yourself to be able to rocket the scout as soon as he shows himself and thusly damaging the scout knocking him away a bit – this also then alerts your other team who can lay some spam down as well if needed.
Always remember to build uber when not in combat.
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