My experience with highlander
Created 19th November 2010 @ 20:26
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Quoted from this is evil evil
In my opinion, the current game modes in competitive TF2 is boring and i think thats why there is so few that actually want to play TF2 on the competitive scene.
That’s right, soon there won’t be enough teams to even have a 6v6 league. It’s clearly dying :P
As for “something missing” from 6v6, it’s your personal opinion and I suspect a pretty superficial one (the “all classes involved” comment). The class restrictions (both number and type) in 6v6 allow a different sort of teamplay experience to emerge. It evolved over time, there was once 2 demos allowed, some leagues played 7v7 with 2 medics. The 6v6 format was not just made up on the spot.
Regarding highlander being more fun to watch, in my expereince teams push up in a block even on cp maps in highlander. Routes are well plugged. That is more like trench warfare and it is in my opinion boring to watch. In 6v6 the battle lines are much more fluid and the game is more dynamic. Defensive lines can be penetrated or flanked easier, that is more interesting to watch imo.
I’m sorry to say but you just haven’t looked for the cups well enough. There where loads of them about 2 years a go. Etf2l has had 2cups wich even had many top players participating. There were even a couple of 9vs9 leagues (not in etf2l) at the start of this game.
9vs9 as many people said might be fun in the lower skill levels. But as you get higher and higher many classes get shut down by others easily. Say for example spy, engineer will always get destroyed by the other team if they play like a team. And other classes like pyro and sniper are very situational and won’t have that much of a use for most of the time as scout or demoman would have had. That’s why in 6vs6 all tough every class is allowed, only for of them get played constantly.
6vs6 is also a lot more fast paced since you don’t get that much spam. It’s a lot easier to flank, thre are loads of different strategical posibilaties since you can pick the classes depending on the situation and they’re all limited to 2 except for demo and medic, but that only makes it more fun to play.
Playing as a team is also a lot more fun since you don’t have those limitations that you would in highlander. The whole team can get to mid at around the same time, it’s a lot better to coordinate 6vs6 pushes then 9vs9.
In fact if you would play highlander in top tier level where every team would have top notch team work and skill, the game would get rather stale. Since every entrance would be covered, there would always be a sentry to take down, wich would be defended by 3 people an so on. Just ask top players who’ve played both 9vs9 and 6vs6
9vs9 is something i can find fun playing every now and then, but if i got to play it like i do 6vs6 i’d probably get boored very quickly.
I think that 9vs9 hass simply got so popular because every one got atracted to it by announcing it as a pub community competition an for the medals. And the fact that in 9vs9 every class gets played all the time made it appealing for pr0 pub spys and pyros.
And before you ask i’ve played both quite a lot : )
Last edited by Stranger,
I remember playing a lot of 8v8 and 9v9 when Tf2 came out. And tbh it was great fun. Lots of class limits have been tried and tested. I think that your forgetting that the reason that we now have 6v6 in the format we do with these limits in place is because we have mostly all been in the same position as you have before. Discovering the game.
What has essentially happened is that the competitive scene has evolved to accommodate what has become an even medium. There’s more players still than most comp games. But enough so that organising a team isn’t too much of a challenge in your spare time. Also the class balancing has worked itself out over time as well. It may well change as time progresses but many combinations of player numbers and class limits have been tried and 6v6 evolved within that. you forget we are in season8 of this league and many other competitions came beforehand.
Give 6v6 a chance is my advice. I think you may come to appreciate it as it really is just an evolution of the game over time. Also if a highlands league is wanted by enough people. The admin at etf2l have always tried their best to accommodate the best they can to the players.Xx
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