TF2 Mixing mumble
Created 17th November 2010 @ 17:57
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Well hello,
I’m Andy.
I own a website hosting company and on the same server, I also have access to gameservers.
Basically, I have a 1,000 slot mumble and was wondering what I can do with it + also help the TF2 community.
I am allowing anyone to use it as a mix comms server, if they wish, for free!
port: 64738
(obviously mumble)
Thoughts? useful? Not-useful? Obviously, it’s not popular yet :) This is the first time of me thinking of doing this.
for my mate :D
Last edited by facio,
nice idea, but why would people pay £1 a month for admin when they can get a channel on fb or skyride’s mumble servers for free?
Last edited by octochris,
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