highlander medal?
Created 15th November 2010 @ 20:21
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Hey guys when the highlander medal will be given to us? and if anybidy know something about that meda from esl pls tell here! thanks and sorry for that advertisment “esl”
It is not ABOUT the medal :c
Quoted from Cycl4mate
It is not ABOUT the medal :c
But, just to please you, you’ll most likely get it when the competition finishes so that everyone who entered gets it at once.
Last edited by Fadango, No they have not finished the medal. Hell, this tournament hasn’t even started yet![/url]
Quoted from Ritalin
medal from esl? huh? i don’t know anything about that…
sounds like a nice announcement, but as long as its eslol its sucks sooooo hard cause gay.
Quoted from Dr-GimpfeN
oh, i remember that now, yeah. thanks for the link.
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