viewmodel fovs and configs.
Created 12th November 2010 @ 06:09
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Prolly theres a topic about it somewhere, and if so, could somebody guide me to it?
Anyways, need a bit of help with a config.
Basic idea for solly.
1st weapons fov 0
2nd weapons fov 70
3rd weapons fov 70
e bind next weapon in list
q bind prev. weapon in list
Same idea with scout, only some different fovs.
Help? please?
Last edited by Orchid,
I do have a basic idea on binding e and q keys to lastinv. and nextinv, the only question is how do I make it so knows which fov to use with which weapon.
Thanks guys. Another question. The commands to switch weapons to the last active one is +lastinv, right? So are there commands not to switch back to the last active weapons, but to scroll between weapon slots?
Last edited by Orchid,
i prefere binding weaponslots to keys:
f -> primary (viewmodel off)
q -> slot2 (viewmodel on)
Seems unwise to loop over equipment for classes with more than 3 slots, as some items would take 2 keypresses to access, better to bind disguises, pda etc to separate keys. This captures the behaviour for 3 weapons.
alias “prm” “slot1; viewmodel_fov 0; bind e melee; bind q sec”
alias “sec” “slot2; viewmodel_fov 70; bind e prm; bind q melee”
alias “melee” “slot3; viewmodel_fov 70; bind e sec; bind q prm”
Last edited by ell,
couldnt really get used to the whole q & e thing, so i used the crosshair switcher, but I found out that it messes everything up if I want to record stuff for movies.
Basicly, what should I add to these lines so that when I switch weapons with Q, it stop using the old slots fov, but uses the slots fov I`ve just switched to? Rather hard to explain what I mean.
bind 1 “slot1; r_drawviewmodel 0”
bind 2 “slot2;r_drawviewmodel 1;viewmodel_fov 70”
bind 3 “slot3;r_drawviewmodel 1;viewmodel_fov 70”
I’m not sure if this is what you meant, but I’ll post anyway.
alias "togglewep" "secondwep"
alias "firstwep" "sl1; alias "togglewep" "secondwep""
alias "secondwep" "sl2; alias "togglewep" "firstwep""
alias "sl1" "slot1; r_drawviewmodel 0"
alias "sl2" "slot2; r_drawviewmodel 1; viewmodel_fov 70"
alias "sl3" "slot3; r_drawviewmodel 1; viewmodel_fov 70"
bind "1" "sl1"
bind "2" "sl2"
bind "3" "sl3"
bind "Q" "togglewep"
What it does is switching between your primary and secondary weapons when you press Q. It you prefer the classic “lastinv” style of switching, then you should use the config found here:
In this case, all you have to do is edit the wep1com, wep2com and wep3com aliases.
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