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Growth of TF2 scene is very stagnant...

Created 30th December 2007 @ 16:37

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( . )( . )

I’ve been wondering this for a while and I cant really figure out why. Is it that the game requires too much of your pc? Or does Valve too little promotion about this?

In my opinion, this game has much competitive potential and is very entertaining in publics too. But it feels like the scene is more like dying than growing. Or am I wrong?

Yes, there are some new clans. But the old ones seem to get inactive, is it about the rule fights, or what? 8vs8 clans do not seem to like 6v6 and rather than play 6v6, they go inactive.

Or is it just the holidays?


Can’t say at the moment, the holidays surely have a big impact. Yes, I miss reading about new clans forming every day – I would expect that on such a young game.

Ask again mid january :)


I feel the same than honky , the community is not growing at all , and i”m already worried , it seems like Cod4 is killing TF2 (Cod4 already have like 50k players in average :/ )


( . )( . )

Probably have to switch game if the clan amount dont increase :-/
Cod 4 – http://clanbase.ggl.com/ladders.php?gid=83
TF 2 – http://clanbase.ggl.com/ladders.php?gid=80


Well, if your only concern is which game has more players… go on, switch.


( . )( . )

Well, its kinda shitty to play a game where you never find opponents and the better you get. The less you find opponents.
And yah, eSports in mind. The game wont attract money tournaments without players, thats a fact.


i don’t agree with you Honky on that one , the main problem is Valve, because ET:QW have like 1500 players in average , and there is like 5 or 6 online tournament with cashprize on it just because Activision is supporting it (crossfire,esl major series 1 , clanbase etc)


Hmm. The TFC scene is still quite large, so lets just hax valve and rerout em all to tf2 whenever they try to start the game.
No but i think that the childish image that tf2’s got is ruining the games competetive side, the commic book graphics alongside the goofy gestures and taunts just doesnt bring hardcore clan gaming in mind, and thats prolly why we dont see alot of new clans formin cause there is just no intrest in the games competetive side. But once people get over that “ooh, its sooo cute” barrier they will find a really good game with alot of strategy and team spirit.
And part of the reason why there isnt mutch activity is that alot of the clans are left in hybernation during the hollidays. Give it a few more days


RaWr ::

I would’ve thought this is due to the holiday season. We’re still getting lots of games (3/4 a night) vs teams we havent played yet. CB hasn’t been active for TF2 since the start.

Look at ED, seems to be the biggest ladder about atm. The games still very young and theres plenty of time for people to get hold of it.

Remember its xmas time as well, so if any of the younger ones about picked up the Orange Box as a pressie, which I expect many did, then theres another influx of players.

Guess you could check steam stats to see if its dropping off. Give the game another quater and we’ll see!

Need to get more LANS in europe picking it up though. The only one I know are definately having a tournament is i33.

Shame CAL dont have an EU part, as they’ve picked it up too.

Aren’t ESL considering making the leagues bigger? With prizes and so on? This will certainly boost the coverage the game gets!

If numbers seriously start to fall, we always have the marketing power-house which is valve.

Dont worry guys, no need to panic just yet.

IIRC UKTFCL (tfc league) in its 1st season had roughly the same clans as this and that came went on to be pretty huge!


( . )( . )

I’ve never considered that the comical look is the reason, I like it alot and the jokes are good too…


I think the main reason is that everyone is waiting for which will be the standard for this game because at the moment every league has their own ruleset. I would suggest every leagues admins would gather and make a standard together.

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