funky face fps
Created 22nd October 2010 @ 13:24
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my fps has gone from 300-400 to 40-80, started last evening and assumed it was my net but was doing it tofay so i brought up net graph and i have no loss no choke and 40 ping but dogshit fps. any new commands or anyone know anything that could be doing it?
im no expert but did you do the usual stuff when something in tf2 doesnt work?
blame the mann co. update and source engine.
I want my 200fps back on high settings :( vanilla pl0x
how much do you guys spend on pc’s lol I have a lappy with maxframes cfg in and get 80-120 and around 40 at mid and it’s fine and anyways I see no difference between 40 and 400 there are only so many frames a second that will make a difference, past 60 you don’t see a difference in gameplay so whatcha whining about! :p:p
Quoted from Phrozen
past 60 you don’t see a difference in gameplay
Quoted from Phrozen
how much do you guys spend on pc’s lol I have a lappy with maxframes cfg in and get 80-120 and around 40 at mid and it’s fine and anyways I see no difference between 40 and 400 there are only so many frames a second that will make a difference, past 60 you don’t see a difference in gameplay so whatcha whining about! :p:p
more like past 200i dont see a difference
theres a MASSIVE difference between 60 and 160 for example
Quoted from Phrozen
how much do you guys spend on pc’s lol I have a lappy with maxframes cfg in and get 80-120 and around 40 at mid and it’s fine and anyways I see no difference between 40 and 400 there are only so many frames a second that will make a difference, past 60 you don’t see a difference in gameplay so whatcha whining about! :p:p
wow, just wow
Quoted from Phrozen
how much do you guys spend on pc’s lol I have a lappy with maxframes cfg in and get 80-120 and around 40 at mid and it’s fine and anyways I see no difference between 40 and 400 there are only so many frames a second that will make a difference, past 60 you don’t see a difference in gameplay so whatcha whining about! :p:p
You can see a difference.
I have around the same fps as you and it’s fine for me though
Quoted from Arcadizz1e
my fps has gone from 300-400 to 40-80, started last evening and assumed it was my net
and i’m worried about my printf not working properly under solaris 9.
If it came randomly, than either spyware or Valve, most likely the latter.
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