Created 19th October 2010 @ 14:19
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Last edited by Koala,
Quoted from Koeitje
Or just /j #mixmercs
Its dead, but a “mercs” group in general is a bad idea.
(The cynic in me thinks you made it invite-only just so that you could feel important when someone PM’s you)
Last edited by Skyride,
Stop making these fucking groups. Seriously, no one uses them
its the x-th group of that kind
Quoted from Dr-GimpfeN
its the x-th group of that kind
I’m in Chief of Staff for medic mercs, Scouts #mixmercs and Soldiers #mixmercs. All steam groups and I’ve been contacted maybe 3 times in the time I’ve been in them and I’ve used them once when they were new.
There are plenty of groups like it and people generally prefer to ask people from their steam friends.
Yeah I’d love to go to a group with hardly any people and ask them what class they play, later to find that it’s useless.
In a time when it takes Zeyork five minutes to do a double mix, you need not such groups :p
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