Dueling - crashes after 2-3 minutes
Created 4th October 2010 @ 18:41
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Every time I try to duel someone I crash 2-3 minutes after I started dueling. There’s a lot of people who don’t crash though, leaving me to wonder just what the hell is going on. I’m using PVHud.
It’s because you press Tab. It’s missing the duel icon. Don’t press tab for the entire duel. Broesel’s gonna fix his hud for it. Idk about PV though
this happened to me for a while out of the blue for no reason
not sure if its the same problem but what happened was tf2 had managed to corrupt one of my gfx drivers, a quick reinstall of the ati drivers and it was fine again.
Quoted from Gubbins
It’s because you press Tab. It’s missing the duel icon. Don’t press tab for the entire duel. Broesel’s gonna fix his hud for it. Idk about PV though
It happens randomly, including when I’m not pressing tab.
Quoted from Big Chief
this happened to me for a while out of the blue for no reason
not sure if its the same problem but what happened was tf2 had managed to corrupt one of my gfx drivers, a quick reinstall of the ati drivers and it was fine again.
Will try this.
Have you updated your HUD with the latest update released on 02.10.? I had the same problem as you but I updated and it went away.
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