need your help
Created 3rd October 2010 @ 22:29
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hi all
a lot of you know me, some love me and some hate me but my team needs your help.
I am one of the clan leaders of clan NemesisGamers (tag :: nG::)
I am also an active scout for them (all be it a pretty crap one lol)
here is my issue
I have recently been diagnosed with early stage arthritis in my left wrist which means (much as I love playing) I am going to become even more useless than I am now and my team is going to need a replacement scout
I am staying as a DCL with the organisation side (they would all cry of I didnt organise their seats at ilans lol) and for some reason I cant post in the recruitment forums (possbly because I am still showing as an active member)
I really need a decent scout to do my amazing clan credit
I have an awesome lead scout (Kharnac) a pick of a couple of amazing demos, some awesome sollyd and a fab medic
add into this our clan is a group of wonderful people who are close knit (but very open to new members) who will support the right people not only in game but in real life, we arent just a clan but a family and bloody proud of it!
mumble – umlimited to about 1k users,
private clan server
pubby server (admin given after a
much much much love for these guys and skill, more than just a team more like a second family! You deserve the best you can get and i hope you get an awesome scout <3
aww man, i know exactly how you feel. i was playing a game and then i spilt parmesan cheese all over my pasta and desk so we had to get a sub for half of the game.
Quoted from octochris
6v6 recruitment forum.
a tad heartless. Although slightly true.
Sorry to hear about your condition and I hope your team find a good scout. :)
Im really sorry for you =[ but chris is right though this is in wrong forum :)
is funny to me
Quoted from HaKo
aww man, i know exactly how you feel. i was playing a game and then i spilt parmesan cheese all over my pasta and desk so we had to get a sub for half of the game.
I remember said game well
Quoted from HaKo
aww man, i know exactly how you feel. i was playing a game and then i spilt parmesan cheese all over my pasta and desk so we had to get a sub for half of the game.
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