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New update info, spy/medic/engy gets a tweak. scout next. PHEAR THE SCOUT

Created 11th December 2008 @ 23:58

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Massive is a gross overestimate.


Aye i wouldn’t say massively overpowered fragga, i think u should re-phrase what u actually meant and say

– the demoman is over powered (which it is)
– the soldier is under powered (which it is)

hence u thnk demoman is “massively” overpowered lol… i wouldn’t say that much over powered but it is defo overpowered :D and i believe the soldier is under powered even more than a scout.





Not sure how much the Soldier is overpowered Byte? How exactly do you mean? The only annoying thing I find with Soldier is you run out of ammo sometimes, but this just encourages you not to spam and conserve rockets – generally a good thing.



Yea fragga, i was thinkin the exact same thing.

Also, me and extremer were doing some testing on the stickies, and its not just one sticky that gives you full ammo, it’s each fragment gives you half ammo, with around 4-5 fragments per sticky. So in essence, one lone sticky left idly lying around can get both sollys back on full ammo.

Another thing we noticed was nades also get destroyed. This wasn’t mentioned in the update and when they do get destroyed the fragments are clearly sticky shaped, so possibly a small mistake by valve? (like the time demos lost their self damage resistance when the soldier was nerfed)


after the update ppl often dont explode anymore after a sticky/nade/rl -frag :(



Yea I heard someone mention that it was to save processing power, cos of all the new particle effects.

Just random guessing though I think.



that’s weird to kill someone with a rocket and see his corpse flying over the map :/



Sometimes they explode sometimes they dont – and when you’ve only got 4 rockets, and have already used some of them you might end up firing a wasted rocket thinking you haven’t killed the enemy leaving you with no primary ammo. In the frantic middle fights this is a real issue. I just hope its a bug and not something they intended.

In regards the so-called demoman nerf, after playing many pugs tonight its clear from the perspective of the soldier class nothing at all has changed, the demoman remains the most powerful combat/defensive class in game. Only once in half a dozen pugs did I even get the chance to destroy a sticky and I did so only because I needed the ammo (which is probably why, not as if soldiers run around with their shotguns out)


If scout gets a “nail gun” or any other automatic weapon i think im going to cry.

Also what soli lacks in damage etc soli gains in other things he can do like rocket jumping to avoid enemys and to get to higher areas (giving the soli a MAJOR advantage) where as the demo man cant do this very easily, how many situations can a demo man sticky jump out of with out being to low to land or to low to fight back.


Often tbh



i found out something fun. the overcharge particle effect shows through a spy’s cloak. so you can see them by following the nice little crosses


Dave read again what i put i said its under powered not over powered for the soldier mate :x

xxxxxxxxxx etc





My bad. Excuse my inability to read :P

I think I meant to say underpowered tho. Think I was trying to argue that the Soldier wasn’t necessarily underpowered. But I can’t remember.

I’m going to bed.


i have my crosshair right on the sticky 1-2 meters away and my shotgun still fails destroying the sticky quite often. It takes time and i do have something better things to do 99% of the time, like shooting the enemy or eating cookies.

its only for the ammo, and removing crittstickies on pubs :P


Don’t worry TF2 is dead anyway

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