Help get TF2 more noticed!
Created 23rd September 2010 @ 02:44
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Quoted from .
I have, I agreed that you wanted to make yourself look cool, by posting this text here.
that’s my opinion:)
And when I agreed with someone who said that, you got mad. Take a paper bag and cal yourself down m8:) chillax
EDIT: Found this
I said the idea, not your opinion on me. You obviously can’t read properly. I didn’t get mad at all, you’d just like to think that you got me mad, because you’re a childish and pathetic little Russian that likes to follow me everywhere, claim he’s way better than literally everyone he plays against, and act as he’s winning even when everyone tells him to shut up and stop being childish.
Take the damn advice and just stop, you’re embarrassing yourself, and like I said before, you’re giving your team a bad name.
Quoted from flushy
this thread is about as awkward as the inbetweeners
Which is a fucking amazing show.
Last edited by konr,
Moony you’re a bloody moron.
You both are silly and childish for bringing this to public.
eXtv is associated with TheGameStation now.
Quoted from freshmeatt
You both are silly and childish for bringing this to public.
eXtv is associated with TheGameStation now.
Because I definitely directed this thread at moony and asked him what he thought of me, didn’t I fresh? You call me childish for telling someone to stop being childish in a thread that is completely unrelated to the subject he’s trying to speak about? Nah, that’s not how it works. I wanted opinions on what I talked about in OP, not on whether or not people thought I was being big headed or something.
Quoted from freshmeatt
You both are silly and childish for bringing this to public.
eXtv is associated with TheGameStation now.
Quoted from konr
[…]Because I definitely directed this thread at moony and asked him what he thought of me, didn’t I fresh? You call me childish for telling someone to stop being childish in a thread that is completely unrelated to the subject he’s trying to speak about? Nah, that’s not how it works. I wanted opinions on what I talked about in OP, not on whether or not people thought I was being big headed or something.
Diggin a hole :)
The fact you keep writing walls make me really wonder what your true motives are. I usually post on forums like that too but it never really worked out for me.
On topic, I don’t see anything wrong with the initative, but I also don’t see what good our input/opinions will be to you.
Quoted from JustMoose
You’re funny, I’ll give you that.
Quoted from Ghent
Just lock the thread already nothing good will come from this flaming.
May aswell, it’s turned into something it wasn’t meant to be.
Quoted from Cycl4mate
The fact you keep writing walls make me really wonder what your true motives are. I usually post on forums like that too but it never really worked out for me.
On topic, I don’t see anything wrong with the initative, but I also don’t see what good our input/opinions will be to you.
I’m just curious.
Quoted from kaidus
I don’t know, you just presented it in a way that glorified yourself for bestowing this upon us (at least thats the impression I got).
Having spoke to him on steam about this and been speaking to him a bit before that, hes a nice guy and I think the wording on the quoted convo is just really misleading.
00:35 – 5Ky|21|}3 4w350M3 64M3|2: i think the problem was this bit in the OP
00:35 – 5Ky|21|}3 4w350M3 64M3|2: 02:38 – Λi.konr: hopefully I’ll be acknowledged and TF2 will get bigger
00:35 – 5Ky|21|}3 4w350M3 64M3|2: sounds massie e-peen
00:36 – Λi.konr wants sponsorship.: by me being acknowledged
00:36 – Λi.konr wants sponsorship.: I meant the message i sent
00:36 – 5Ky|21|}3 4w350M3 64M3|2: like “I” know it was a joke
00:36 – Λi.konr wants sponsorship.: Not me as a player
00:36 – 5Ky|21|}3 4w350M3 64M3|2: ooooooh
00:36 – 5Ky|21|}3 4w350M3 64M3|2: see i thought you meant it as a sarcastic joke
00:36 – 5Ky|21|}3 4w350M3 64M3|2: hmm….
00:36 – Λi.konr wants sponsorship.: lol.
00:36 – Λi.konr wants sponsorship.: I don’t think highly of myself
00:36 – 5Ky|21|}3 4w350M3 64M3|2: but ye, thats what people are taking issue with
Anyways, lock thread tbh, just pointless flame. This community gets more and more like CSS everyday.
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