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Update 21.9.2010

Created 21st September 2010 @ 00:32

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Quoted from AnAkkk


No, mat_queue_mode 1 does something different.
-2 is the default and is the same as 0.

Wrong. Again.
mat_queue_mode -2 – legacy default (i don’t have any idea what does ‘legacy’ mean in that case, but rendering is way different than with 0)
mat_queue_mode -1 – default (a.k.a. automatic detection ffs)
mat_queue_mode 0 – synchronous single thread (one core)
mat_queue_mode 1 – queued single thread (I had higher fps with this one on p4 with hyperthreading)
mat_queue_mode 2 – queued multi thread (a.ka. multi core).


Quoted from freshmeatt


Wrong. Again.
mat_queue_mode -2 – legacy default (i don’t have any idea what does ‘legacy’ mean in that case, but rendering is way different than with 0)
mat_queue_mode -1 – default (a.k.a. automatic detection ffs)
mat_queue_mode 0 – synchronous single thread (one core)
mat_queue_mode 1 – queued single thread (I had higher fps with this one on p4 with hyperthreading)
mat_queue_mode 2 – queued multi thread (a.ka. multi core).

As the information I got came from a Valve developer, it’s not wrong.

-2 is the “old” -1 that you had at the game release (that’s why it’s legacy), when mat_queue_mode wasn’t working (disabled by default, when was set to -1). This means it does the same as 0, there is no multi threading. You should remember forcing it enabled (setting it to 2) would cause crashes.

And yes, mat_queue_mode -1 is currently auto detect so it should do the same thing as 2 if you got a multicores cpu.

Last edited by AnAkkk,



I can’t really think of a elegant way to show the flaw in Anakin’s logic in my head, but it’d probably involve a very large man clutching for dear life onto some very small straws.

Last edited by Skyride,


I compared my snowie’s timedemo results and I actually did get around 20fps increase. I’ve got core i5-750.

Last edited by Septique,



then which one is it? -1 or 2?


Quoted from AnAkkk


As the information I got came from a Valve developer, it’s not wrong.

-2 is the “old” -1 that you had at the game release (that’s why it’s legacy), when mat_queue_mode wasn’t working (disabled by default, when was set to -1). This means it does the same as 0, there is no multi threading. You should remember forcing it enabled (setting it to 2) would cause crashes.

And yes, mat_queue_mode -1 is currently auto detect so it should do the same thing as 2 if you got a multicores cpu.




Put away your epenis’s and just give me some benchmarks


Quoted from Orchid

then which one is it? -1 or 2?




No recognizable change on my system (Q8300)


Last edited by JimmyB,


Huge FPS improvement on my prehistoric Athlon 64 X2 5000+ (Brisbane lol)



Quoted from Scorpion

Huge FPS improvement on my prehistoric Athlon 64 X2 5000+ (Brisbane lol)

rofl prehistoric.. mine is 4200+


in game mid fights are seeing an increase in fps from ~120 fps – 150 fps
Phenom II X4 955 @ 3.2Ghz

snowies timedemo results over here http://etf2l.org/forum/general/topic-10689/page-9/


Quoted from Inuy


rofl prehistoric.. mine is 4200+

Well it’s at least 3 years old. But you can OC it to 3.1 GHz (same with 4200+) so it’s not that bad.

-40 FPS for me. :)


I got about 20 fps more in Snowie’s timedemo.
Core i7 860 stock.

Last edited by metalpiss,

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