Favourite TF2 player of all time?
Created 15th September 2010 @ 12:30
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that “You” was for nubonamission soz
In no order
Hildreth, Pikachu, Winta, d2m, thesucker, pricee, SWiFT
Gotta make my mind up….
Henchie because he is the oldest TF2 player ever.
because awesome
Sac, super cool guy and probably the most dedicated player I’ve met in tf2.
Mercyless aka the only saudi arabian tf2 player ever
Shintaz. He just seems awesome aha. + Great hotkey setup.
This is going to be biased on personal experience and friendship rather than skill, but I have loads
Those were some regular pubbers I met waaay back in the time on arena servers when all of us were using fov75 and default settings. All of them went from public happyfraggers to div2/1/prem material under different time periods (6months/2yrs). Still keep contact with some and play occasionally, sickgaming o/ tho hawku and Maxter are inactive atm :((
I was just casualy playing lobby during summers to keep the time running when I was seventeen and bored. Happened once in a while. I didnt know that qnx played for Team Effort, I just thought he was another lobby guy who didnt know what to do with his TF2 career. But we kept kept meeting eachother once in a while over lobbies and kept playing together. I didnt realize how far he could go untill later on, but by that time Im pretty sure I wasnt the first one to realize that qnx shined in his team. sillehs encounter was about the same and I still remember how mad I was every time he would read me like a book and frag me. It bothered me that these two were wasting time playing countless lobbies with Russians instead of doing something productive with their talent, but later on they did <3
My first ever team in its first ever official league played versus Guru Gaming in Wireplay div 6c and won with ease. With all of us being pubbers with no experience, we pretty much lived on dm and luck. No flank, no strats, no focus fire. Hell, this was "div6 shitnerds" defined by the book. I had Shep on my FL for game arranging purposes since a week ago. We were short on a soldier and I wanted to be friendly (lol) annd casually asked him if he could merc soldier. Shep was basically the main called for Guru and well… We recruited him :D With him taking over the control and taught us about positional play, we went from bottom div6 to top div4 in a month and things were looking better than ever. Now, about 18 months later, hes a handsome man with a handsome girlfriend, but hes still a sucker for playing video games. Thanks for teaching me the basics o/
Joining the scene fairly easy, I was surprised how fast he was improving. A quick learner and a guy with the heart at the right place, who stayed loyal by his div5 team until the season ended to avoid mid-season folding and arguing, he didnt over-rate himself or didnt like it when I told him to search for a div higher than he "officially" was on ETF2L. Gozo didnt give a fuck about fame and just enjoyed slowly progressing through divs and didnt rush it. Later on when he was getting in touch with the more serious water (div2), hawku stepped up to offer him the little time he had and Im glad he did that. Gozo came from nowhere, progressed fast and silent while being humble and I decided to let him merc for my team few times. Some days later he was our 2nd fulltime scout. Fucking ninja :P
When I was taking it easy and offclassing for three or so seasons I met these two guys, from two different teams. One handsome nerd who was on pair with James Bond when it came to playing spy and keeping his head cool and a L4D-talent that had immense FPS-skills. While both of them were good in different ares, everything from sniping to bombing medics or just sitting in gay spots, they were something out of the ordinary. I was probably not the only one noticing that. But you know what they say; You can't make an omelet without breaking some eggs, or so they say.
I used to play public with Chrysanthus back in 2008, one of my closer friends and a casual pubhero that I tag-teamed with. Played div 6c as backup soldier for our team, he was shy, introvert and genuinely a nice guy that didnt make much noise except for calling what he killed. Already back in div6c, I saw him fighting and competing with soldier three divs higher than him on kAmmomod. I just thought this was cool back then. I sadly lost contact with him on Steam after our team folded, and magically found him by luck in a mumble about a year after that. It was the same Chrys, but this time he had brushed up him deathmatching, by large marginals. He would always topscore and topfrag in every mix I invited him too, but his gamesense held him back. Nowdays I consider him one of the best kAmmomod/MGE soldiers and one of the hardest to beat. Play him on [MGE] Ammomod (The cage) and you'll see what I mean.
All of mousetek that kept me alive and supported me while I was leaping through a huge skill gap that I almost failed to cross o/ was fun!
Freshmeatt has always had an interesting blog and he thinks twice before acting. Under rated scout IMO.
skeej is just awesome. Positioning, uber timing, attitude. I learnt some small tricks from him, that I was unaware of.
Coco, Belgian powersoldier that has potential, I always feel safe while hes on my team.
Hyczii is just a beast.
HeadHunter has always been a favorite scout of mine.
Dingo. King. The boss of Sakura and the pimp of F!, this is the heavy.
Has to be hymzi when he was playing demoman for crack clan. I thougt he was so frikkin boss 8)
Quoted from quik
A roamer has gotten airshotted, broke my heart
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