Best net config for soldier
Created 10th September 2010 @ 03:01
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I can’t really decide, because with a higher interp, i do more damage with shotgun, and with a lower interp i can hit most airshot/direct rockets, what should i use? :S
My current net config
cl_cmdrate “66”
cl_interp “0.0152”
cl_interp_ratio “1”
cl_lagcompensation “1”
cl_pred_optimize “2”
cl_smooth “0”
cl_smoothtime “0.01”
cl_updaterate “66”
rate “30000”
that is fine, do not worry about something as small as interp.
Quoted from franco
that is fine, do not worry about something as small as interp.
I see what you did there :)
Quoted from Tappaa
Use different interps for each weapon
bind key “slot1; cl_interp value”
bind key “slot2; cl_interp value”
bind key “slot3; cl_interp value”
Modify the value according to the class it’s for in each individual class cfg. No idea if this actually works though, I’m Medic anyway so I don’t really care. But I don’t see why it wouldn’t.
So what’s the best interp for RL and for shotgun?
Last edited by eXtreaL,
err from what i remember the last time you try to adjust interp according to weapon (0.0152 for rl / 0.033 for sg) it takes a hundred or so ms to adjust your net settings causing a small lag / pause on weapon switch. that’s just what i experienced when i tried it, may not produce the same result with other people.
just leave it at what you have, meatshots are worth way more than the difference between 0.0152 and 0.033.
what does cl_smooth? it makes any significant result?
Does interp actually make a difference?
Because I leave it to 0.1
And I play scout/sniper, is that bad?
Quoted from WARHURYEAH
Does interp actually make a difference?
Because I leave it to 0.1
And I play scout/sniper, is that bad?
If it you get good hit registration and everything then there isn’t really a point in changing it.
Source Engine 2007 / Source Engine 2009 (TF2 – DoD S – CSS) + Left 4 Dead Engine + Left 4 Dead 2 Engine + Alien Swarm Engine
cl_interp = cl_interp_ratio / cl_updaterateOptimized setting for one client may not work for other clients
Do not just use settings from other clients without verifing them for your system.Don’t change console settings unless you are 100% sure what you are doing
Most “high-performance” setting cause exactly the opposite effect, if the server or network can’t handle the load.
on netgraph
If your lerp goes yellow/flashes yellow your settings do not work for your system
Last edited by Tikcus,
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