What constitutes a really good airshot?
Created 7th September 2010 @ 14:19
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dat mad twitching
Quoted from Arie
It’s made by Fragga, Exfane or Extremer.
Personally I really like tall flick shots over a medium distance.
Maybe flick shots are not a good representation of skill but then again, most very high distance airshots are lucky/rely on the opponent not strafing.
But, in fact, some strafes are so common these days that they are predictable so the opponent strafing does not negate all skill from the shot.
Case in point: ;)
Last edited by Snyyppis,
I think the opponent should be airstrafing in an intelligent manner, trying to achieve some goal by the airstrafe. The airshotter should then figure out what the airshottee is going to do, and shoot their rocket accordingly.
skyride has it tbh, its all opinion.
something thats not in a straight line in the air. AKA Airstrafing. predicting the airstrafe.
Quoted from Dummy
skyride has it tbh, its all opinion.
I don’t think you’ll find the ‘chubby chaser’ equivalent for airshots. It’s not all opinion, some airshots (like a soldier jumping straight towards your face when you’re standing on spire) aren’t impressive while hitting an airstrafing demo at long-range is.
With regards to airstrafing, I wouldn’t say that an airshot on an opponent who can’t airstrafe (say you hit them directly up) is less impressive because he can’t airstrafe. It does however detract from airshots that are easily avoided with a little bit of strafing magic.
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