What constitutes a really good airshot?
Created 7th September 2010 @ 14:19
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I’m just wondering because I can’t get it straight in my mind. Is it the skybox, the quick flick, the range, I really can’t get it right in my head. What would be the perfect airshot?
a good airshot is look as a high hitted one i think, i just regard any airshot as good
I would say when it has more of the following components:
– difference of height between the airshooter and the victim
– when you are able to hit them when they are at their maximum speed, rather then at the top of the jump when they hang still in the air
– the victim doesnt rocketjump straight to you
– the victim is airstrafing
Quoted from Morphine
If Pendulum plays as you shoot it
this :)
the victim is good skilled and respected, gets launched high and does a little airstrafe
Quoted from Waster
– the victim is airstrafing
Airstrafing is the reason that I think a perfect airshot will never be found. If they don’t airstrafe they don’t dodge but if they do… they went in to your shot. I agree with pretty much everything else, although Side|Effect brought up the point that to achieve maximum speed you need to travel in a straight line pretty much.
Both people being high up in the air with the receiver being hit from a long way away.
If you did that while you were also in the air you would quit TF2 because you know you’d never do something so awesome ever again.
Wrangled sentry rockets.
Quoted from Scratchi
It didn’t kill so while it’s an awesome airshot it’s awesomeness is diminished I feel.
Quoted from Pie Are Squared
Wrangled sentry rockets.
Quoted from Scratchi
I almost killed your medic ;)
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