dm_store server?
Created 18th August 2010 @ 22:12
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is there any dm_store (roof or noroof, doesnt matter) server out there for competetive players? i have seen a list of dm/duel servers but the one dm_store servers seems to be empty all the time.
i used to play on a multiplay one about a year ago and then it just vanished.
Mulitiplay one’s still up.
so please post ip, because all i could find was 2 public 24 slot servers, full of crits and wrangler engineers. there is also competetive dm_store server, unfortunately it is located in israel (about 130 ms ping)… :)
i appreciate it, thanks
after joining the server you gave me ip to i unfortunately must say that its the one of the
Quoted from fisheye
public 24 slot servers, full of crits and wrangler engineers.
this ip was just a bad joke, wasnt it?
Last edited by fisheye,
so simply, there arent any active dm_store servers…
There is now a dm_store_pro_noroof server up
18 Slots, no crits, no random damage, etc etc, anything else you want/need I’m in #easyco or post in this thread :DD
Last edited by Tobyy,
Sorry about the link, didn’t know it was full of nubs :x hadn’t been on it in a while.
Quoted from Tobyy
There is now a dm_store_pro_noroof server up
18 Slots, no crits, no random damage, etc etc, anything else you want/need I’m in #easyco or post in this thread :DD
Just played on this for a few minutes and I approve. Added to my favorites ;)
Quoted from Lynn
Just played on this for a few minutes and I approve. Added to my favorites ;)
Quoted from Lynn
Just played on this for a few minutes and I approve. Added to my favorites ;)
The server is now diamonds
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