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Demo Playback Problem

Created 13th August 2010 @ 23:57

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So I downloaded a couple of demos from here the other day, I load them just fine with the demoui command but I can’t switch or move the camera.

It’s like i’m watching from a camera stuck on a pole and I can only just mouselook around that position while pressing M1 by using the “Drive” option from the demoui. And that’s it, movement buttons don’t work and actually that’s all I can do.

I then tried recording a demo of my own and ran it. In that one i can move in freeflight mode all around but I can’t change the camera and have to “see” everything from my point of view. For example i can fly to the top of the level but i’m gonna have my first person viewmodel drawn, gonna take damage when my character got damaged below in the “battlefield”, I’ll die too when I died in the demo and then get reset back in the spawn point in first person camera again. Also can’t switch POVs. Can only see through mine.

So am I doing something wrong? Some option I don’t know about? Am I right to think that in a demo you can pretty much watch a game like as if you were spectating it?

To clarify, this was pretty much the first time i run demos so it’s not like it was working before and got messed up somewhere in the long run.

Last edited by Andeus,


There are two types of demo: stv and pov. When you record your demo client side its from your point of view. You can only see what you did throughout the demo and when you die. While in stv you can see every player and you are also free to watch the game in thirdperson or freeflight through the map.

I think in the first demo there werent people on the server yet. Fastforward to the point there are people entering the server and try again.

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