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tryed to find what format 0:0:XXXXX or 0:1:XXXXX is and cant find anything

Created 11th August 2010 @ 11:20

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the name says it most but i gone through every forum, google AND bing i still cant find it if there is a topic showing it send me a link on this please if not please explain A.S.A.P as i want to join this 9 v 9



launch TF2> open console> type “status”.


thanks btw i cant change my profile so how



I’m guessing this is referring to steamid, which you can find by going onto a server and typing status in console. Older accounts will have 0:0:XXXXXXX format whereas newer ones will have 0:1:XXXXXXX, but it’s just a case of copy+pasting what it says by your name regardless ;p



it can be a little confusing for new ppl to find it, but click “Team Admin” once logged in, and within there there is a “Profile” section where you can type in your steamid.

it doesn’t look like you’ve entered one yet so u should be able to add no problem. but if entered something wrong in that field, go on quakenet irc and into the #ETF2L channel and type !admin. one of them should reply and help u out.


thanks for the help

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