ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


ClanBase Team Fortress 2

Created 7th November 2008 @ 15:53

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Due to a lack of time, I hereby announce that I will be dropping the task of CB TF2 GameSupervisor at the end of this season. I’m no longer able to invest the amount of time in CB that is able to run the full TF2 department. I will stay on as the main TF2 Cup Supervisor, but only if a new GS steps up.

I’m also asking the community to bring us a new GameSupervisor. We need someone to replace me as soon as possible. Let me make clear that you will not be doing this job alone. If someone steps up as a new GameSup I will support him/her as the Cup Supervisor. On the other hand, if nobody steps up to do this or we can find nobody capable for the job, the chance is big ClanBase TF2 will end after this season.

If you are seriously interested or if you would like to have more information on the job, please send me a personal message on ClanBase, or talk to me on IRC. You can also fill in an application on the site right away, if you’re confident enough on yourself. :)

More information can be found here:

Please don’t come up with flame-posts about CB or anything like that.


amon sux ;x



Amon always has had the heart to spend alot of time to this game and to the CB community. It’s sad he has to leave coz he has done a wonderfull job the last couple of months. It’s sad for both the community and CB coz now there’s a chance of CB “folding” their tf2 part.
So i’d say……………..get your asses in line and do your share maggots!

to bad to hear this but i understand :) u did good job with clanbase! lets hope we will find a sub for ya soon!



You’ve done a great job, Amon. I hope someone else will step up!

If you want to support in any way; please spread the word as much as you can!

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