Any tips to get more fps?
Created 7th August 2010 @ 22:59
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Sup. Basically the deal is that my graphics card fried, and I am now running on what is basically a pretty shit computer (2GB Ram, Inbuild graphics, dual core processor)
I need to optimize my game as much as I possibly can to get a reasonable framerate, I have Chris’ maxfps config installed with the launch options set to fullscreen, I was going to do the LOD Hack that nubonamission posted on his blog, but I remembered reading that that was no longer possible somewhere. So is there much more I can do to maximize my framerate while playing?
Whitelist steam folder in your anti virus.
Run on lowest res?
You’re pretty much fucked with onboard-gfx, you’ll not get much more than what Chris’/m0re’s/whoever’s cfg gives you. Buy a new gpu asap.
Chris, your sure to know – does nubonamission’s LOD Hack thing still work or not?
Quoted from Destrutor
Chris, your sure to know – does nubonamission’s LOD Hack thing still work or not?
Quoted from fawwles
Really? I swear I read that valve restricted picmip to 2 or something… if not, why is it only set to 2 in Chris’ maxfps config?
Quoted from Destrutor
Really? I swear I read that valve restricted picmip to 2 or something… if not, why is it only set to 2 in Chris’ maxfps config?
The LOD hack isn’t a config, it goes around the limit that Valve in their Great Minds set by tweaking some driver-related stuff:
Quoted from Harlski
Run on lowest res?
also, use -high or put realtime(with testing first) on ur hl2.exe
Quoted from AnimaL
[…]also, use -high or put realtime(with testing first) on ur hl2.exe
yes, because we all know that process priority gets cycles out of thin air
Quoted from octochris
yes, because we all know that process priority gets cycles out of thin air
if hes using w7 im afraid its just that simple
Quoted from AnimaL
[…]if hes using w7 im afraid its just that simple
it’s an absolutely terrible workaround to steal cycles from system processes. better solution: stop using shitty windows 7.
Any way to configure the nubonamission driver hack thingie to only work on tf2 and not other games?
Quoted from Orchid
Any way to configure the nubonamission driver hack thingie to only work on tf2 and not other games?
i don’t use rivatuner (modded bios instead), it might have some functionality built in, but otherwise it’s all controlled by registry entries, so all you’d need to do is make a script to change the appropriate values when launching an app.
no doubt rivatuner has this functionality, but i don’t use it, so i don’t know where.
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