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[HUD] broeselhud // version 2.9

Created 25th July 2010 @ 20:56

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nvm, got some help and now it works fine. :)



Hey. I’ve got question to somebody, who uses that HUD. Is that hud shows skull from G.R.U. or Fan’o’War? I need to know that, ‘cos i’m playing Heavy.



version 2.5 is out!

download: http://code.google.com/p/broeselhud/downloads/detail?name=broeselhud%202.5.zip


– added support for the Vaccinator
– changed the counts on the class menu to a less flashy color
– added support for the MvM sapper
– fixed the HP showing up for dead players in the spec HUD
– fixed the skip button on the intro movie menu not working
– renamed the tank panel according to the Mecha update
– fixed the text on the Engie menus not being white
– fixed alignment issues on the MvM scoreboard stats panel
– fixed the inspect panel getting cut off at long descriptions
– updated the main menu file
– fixed the differing damage fade time when using the cross
– slightly moved up the class image on the spec HUD
– fixed the milk icon overlapping with the HP
– fixed the icon on the “you got switched to BLU/RED” panel
– edited the vote setup to fit the general style
– made the arena class layout panel smaller
– edited the arena notification panel to fit the general style
– added a changelog to the zip file



cheers bro


I would love you if you put in the crosshair yz50 and clockwork uses into the hud crosshairs . It’s a pretty common hud crosshair nowadays, it looks like this http://i.imgur.com/cGX1t.jpg

the font that has the text character in it is here http://www.mediafire.com/?ew0qndqb8o6g5p5 it’s the Z character in the font


will you ever fix the xhairs, some of them look bad and if you try to change the scale they look even worse



Quoted from maukkaaa

will you ever fix the xhairs, some of them look bad and if you try to change the scale they look even worse

They all work fine for me.

What resolution do you even use? Which crosshairs?

Coming in here and saying that “some of them look bad” is not really helpful at all.

Edit: If you’re running 640×480 or something similar I won’t even try to help you because it’s just retarded to use this in 2013 and then complain about stuff. This just in.


Quoted from broesel


They all work fine for me.

What resolution do you even use? Which crosshairs?

Coming in here and saying that “some of them look bad” is not really helpful at all.

Edit: If you’re running 640×480 or something similar I won’t even try to help you because it’s just retarded to use this in 2013 and then complain about stuff. This just in.

i’m on 1680×1050, the ones i tried and looked sorta “bad” were the cross, it was thinner on in the vertical part, the second one was the dot, when i changes the size of it to bigger i only got a letter “k” in my screen



Quoted from maukkaaa


i’m on 1680×1050, the ones i tried and looked sorta “bad” were the cross, it was thinner on in the vertical part, the second one was the dot, when i changes the size of it to bigger i only got a letter “k” in my screen

To what value did you change its size? Max. size is 32, I might raise this limit in an update.


Quoted from broesel


To what value did you change its size? Max. size is 32, I might raise this limit in an update.

oh, okay so i went over the max size, what about the cross?



This crosshair is so fucking ugly and useless, but I’ll add it anyway because several people requested it: http://i.imgur.com/R7Kzl.jpg

Quoted from maukkaaa

what about the cross?

I just checked the outline coordinates in FontLab, the widths of the horizontal and vertical bar are exactly the same.


(Toucan Ambassador)

Yeah I experienced these effects when aligning the crosshairs.
You can fix it by increasing the crosshair size until it is no longer distorted.
It’s just an issue with how TF2 renders the fonts on particular resolutions :S


There are two minor problems I’ve encountered so far with this hud:

1) When you get 180 or so kills, the width of the numbers makes the K:D appears as “1…:50”. What I’m trying to say is that at that point the numbers get too wide for the assigned space on the scoreboard and get abbreviated with three full stops.

2) The font size in the text box telling what items players are carryng varies, and sometimes it gets really messy and unaesthetic.

Otherwise, a lovely HUD. Thank you very much.


still best hud



Quoted from Tooni

I would love you if you put in the crosshair yz50 and clockwork uses into the hud crosshairs . It’s a pretty common hud crosshair nowadays, it looks like this http://i.imgur.com/cGX1t.jpg

the font that has the text character in it is here http://www.mediafire.com/?ew0qndqb8o6g5p5 it’s the Z character in the font

Mine :p

Broesel thanks again, great hud :)

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