[HUD] broeselhud // version 2.9
Created 25th July 2010 @ 20:56
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Hey there Broesel!
I play on 3 monitors 3840 x 1024 and often stuff that should appear in the middle of the screen, (cart progress bar) appears mostly off the top left. Is there an easy fix for this?
Quoted from Ruskeydoo
Hey there Broesel!
I play on 3 monitors 3840 x 1024 and often stuff that should appear in the middle of the screen, (cart progress bar) appears mostly off the top left. Is there an easy fix for this?
I do not approve of this hardware-based cheating ;)
Quoted from Ruskeydoo
Hey there Broesel!
I play on 3 monitors 3840 x 1024 and often stuff that should appear in the middle of the screen, (cart progress bar) appears mostly off the top left. Is there an easy fix for this?
i think you just need to write hud_reloadscheme in console.
To my shame I had forgotten about this post… However Broesel was an absolute gent and got in contact to see if Maffi’s solution fixed it. It appears to be working! :D
It does not work? What’s wrong? I have been running Broesel 2.1.6 on three computers after the pyromania update. No problems so far.
Have you tried reinstalling the hud. That usually fixes things after a big patch.
Quoted from boots
Anyone got this working for the new update?
Just reinstall.
LE:ops,replied too late
hi there
I need your guys’ help with a new installer that I’m working on together with a coder (he does 99% of the work anyway, but yeah… :D). For the HUD-crosshair selection, we need the xpos, ypos, wide and tall values that are required to position the HUD-crosshairs exactly in the middle of the screen. For each crosshair and for each resolution, so 320 combinations in total (20 crosshairs are included in broeselhud):
4:3 800 x 600
4:3 1024 x 768
4:3 1152 x 864
16:9 1280 x 720
5:3 1280 x 768
16:10 1280 x 800
4:3 1280 x 960
4:3 1400 x 1050
16:10 1440 x 900
16:9 1600 x 900
4:3 1600 x 1200
16:9 1920 x 1080
16:10 1920 x 1200
If you wanna help, but don’t know how to enable and position HUD crosshairs, here’s a quick guide:
Please post the resolution you’re gonna get the position codes for here FIRST (so that no one else tests the same resolution), then edit the post with the results. Thank you.
already done:
16:9 1366 x 768
5:4 1280 x 1024
16:10 1680 x 1050
Just position every crosshair on 640 x 480 and post the results here – support for this resolution will be added, then.
I request that you work some magic on the Spectator HUD!
In highlander the ninth player is cut off for me (1920×1080) :(
Also it would be cool to see numerical HP values instead of just the cross/meter.
That would be enough to satisfy me for now, but I think we some effort we could make something badass… tell me which files to edit and I might play around :o
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