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a problem with win7

Created 21st July 2010 @ 17:45

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Quoted from Tikcus


DX 10, DX 11

sux yo


make a screen of net_graph plz


is speedstep enabled in bios?



how can i check it?



What I meant – Where exactly in bios do i have to check for it?



Quoted from Orchid

What I meant – Where exactly in bios do i have to check for it?

It varies between BIOSes, but usually it’s in ‘Advanced’, or ‘CPU’, or ‘Hardware’ or something.



searched the whole bios, didnt find a thing like that!


well just to be sure download and run CPUZ. In that check for core speed and see if its lower than your normal speed i.e. 2.53Ghz


how is that relevant to the fact he has bad fps

speedstep enabled: speed is adjusting once cpu load is detected
speedstep disabled: speed stays at max

there wont be any difference u wierd ppl :D reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SpeedStep

Last edited by AnimaL,



I dont have bad fps, it just does these random drops. I can even get it up to 200.



Quoted from AnimaL

how is that relevant to the fact he has bad fps

speedstep enabled: speed is adjusting once cpu load is detected
speedstep disabled: speed stays at max

there wont be any difference u wierd ppl :D reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SpeedStep

Listen to this guy, he’s right.

The moment you give it some load it will increase the clock.



SpeedStep is used in mobile processors, like Mobile Pentium 4, P4M; dunno about Atoms though. Never heard of it being used in desktop CPUs.


Quoted from freshmeatt

SpeedStep is used in mobile processors, like Mobile Pentium 4, P4M; dunno about Atoms though. Never heard of it being used in desktop CPUs.

Get some new ears then



doesn’t windows 7 use 2gb of ram to run, and so it’s like you have no spare ram for TF2? Meh, i could be wrong and everything, as i’m not great when it comes to matters of ram and stuff, but since you stated you only have 2gb ram, it seems upgrading with more ram could be a good thing to start with

Sofa King

Your problem sounds a little like the one i had some time ago.


^ The thread i maked about it… if you scroll down to the last post there should be a link with a image guide which migt sort it out :)

I think its the same problem besides i dont have windows 7.

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