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[ORG] Looking for a TF2 Team

Created 14th July 2010 @ 17:54

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Ultraviolet organisation (www.uv-gaming.eu) was formed by the end of 2009. We currently have 2 sponsors who provide required stuff for us. We’re looking to expand our organisation with a TF2 team since the game earned some popularity – We think it would be the right move for us and even better for the team we recruit.

We’re looking for a team preferably from UK or Germany – but we don’t mind recruiting a team from another European country. We are able to provide all the usual stuff i.e. Voice server and a Match server. Lan support is possible – but the team would have to show that they’re good enough to get it. All of the clan members have to be over 16.

At the moment a company is coding a new website for us – it might take up to 2-3 weeks of constant work for it to be finished since the design is very professional.

If you’re interested, please contact me via:
e-mail – [email protected]
mirc – #team.uv
forums – http://www.uv-gaming.eu/forum/index.php?board=4.0
steam – kraski5



Nice offers best of luck.

Edit: This will probably get locked since I think it’s in the wrong forum section.



lan support is a big +.

Welcome to the tf2 scene lads :)


Quoted from ilike2spin

Nice offers best of luck.

Edit: This will probably get locked since I think it’s in the wrong forum section.

I apolagize for that – just couldn’t find the right section to post it in.


Quoted from kraski


I apolagize for that – just couldn’t find the right section to post it in.

I moved the thread to the right section :D

Always nice to see another org looking for a team. Good luck! :D


Gl guys



Good luck mate. Suggest to the people that are making your site that they use a darker colour behind the header, because it’s looking pretty awful and aliasy.


Quoted from konr

Good luck mate. Suggest to the people that are making your site that they use a darker colour behind the header, because it’s looking pretty awful and aliasy.

Eh well it was supposed to be a surprize but here you go.
Here’s the main page.



Looks very good. I hope they’re good enough with coding to actually make it work smoothly. Looks quite similar to a design I saw for a site called ‘gaminggutter’ a loooong time ago, but improved upon.

A few constructive critisisms here (sorry, can’t help myself).

 – At the top left it says ‘WELCOME ON PAGE’ and it should say something like ‘WELCOME TO’, because the grammar is just wrong.
– I think they’ve slaughtered (a bit of a strong word) the header a bit by putting all of those dissolve layers on it. You know, the pixelated dots. Not the grid holes, the pixelated parts that don’t seem to fit in.
– The filter they’ve done on the ‘wooshy’ bit below the normal part of the header is a very overused one and I think it would look better without the filter, or with it toned down a bit. Seems unnecessary.

Other than that it looks very professional.

Last edited by konr,


Well do you realise it’s only a preview of the website, grammar bit will be fixed later on – even coder can fix that, it was made by a Polish company and it’s their first English website.

Last edited by kraski,



Nice to see TF2 getting some more attention from organizations, hope you’ll find a nice team! :)



Good luck finding a team guys!! :-)



Quoted from kraski

Well do you realise it’s only a preview of the website, grammar bit will be fixed later on – even coder can fix that, it was made by a Polish company and it’s their first English website.

I meant no offense, just helping.


good luck of your organization

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