Need Subs for CommFT June + July Top 10
Created 9th July 2010 @ 21:02
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VG|Lange has stepped aside following the May edition, but CommFT has had multiple editors express interest in helping out. Lined up through Decap, n0ser is going to be taking up the editing reigns for the Top 10 plays of June. In the future we will be looking at other methods of organization in order to improve the clip submission process and the sorting of.
The quality of this series depends on user submissions. Right now we have about 20 submissions for the month of June. Submissions can be put in at any time, whether the month is finished or not. Submit your plays right after they happen. POV demos are preferred, but we can work with STV demos. League matches only for the Top 10, but clips from older months that did not get accepted, or clips from non-league 6v6/highlander games can be submitted to Moments of Glory at [email protected]
Send your submissions to [email protected] with the month listed in the title. Please include the following information in your submission:
Download Link:
Relevant Tick:
Player Name:
Team Name:
Thanks for your assistance with creating this show.
Already sent a clip, but that was before the Engi update. Hope you guys have a rollback. :/
I guess u’ve got some stuff from Poland last month.
Keep up the good work guys.
Last edited by Mors Immortalis,
Quoted from Mark
Demos aren’t broken.
They didn’t work for me. :?
Quoted from Buffalo Bill
They didn’t work for me. :?
From what I know, for some people players in demos spontaneously combust or become shiny. For me most (haven’t checked them all) demos work fine.
Try different playback commands (playdemo, demoui, demoui2) maybe.
Quoted from freshmeatt
From what I know, for some people players in demos spontaneously combust or become shiny.
really dont understand why a NA is asking for our demos, dont they have enough already?
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